相野 洋三
関学西洋史論集 (ISSN:03860043)
vol.28, pp.25-34, 2005-03-23

The Late Hideo Kushimoto, Ph.D.'s "The Italian Humanism and the Greek classics- The Adoration of the Classical Greece by Italian humanists -" (Tosuishobo, 2000) is a remarkable and commemorated achievement accomplished in an untouched research field in our country under the cultural relationship between the West and Byzantium. Dr. Kushimoto defines 'humanism' as studies on classics and researches several aspects of the inquiries into ancient Greek culture, made by Italian humanists in the 15th century. Incidentally, this heartfelt adoration for the classical Greece by the Italian humanists was also felt by the people of the late Byzantine Empire, but with more strength and intensity. At that time people there were forced to endure the political hardship and extreme tensions under the Frank rule in the 13th century and the following crisis caused by Turkish invasions. This strong and intensified adoration of the Byzantine people will also be perceived in the fact that the name of Ellines revived in its original meaning at that time. Even after losing the west part of the Roman Empire, the people of the Byzantine Empire kept calling themselves the Romans and their nation the Roman Empire. This tradition was originated from the Byzantine political idea that an Emperor of Constantinople was the one and only Emperor in the World Empire. In this paper, the writer first looks into some problems concerning the title of "Emperor of the Romans " discussed between the Byzantine Empire and the Frank Kingdom and between the former and the Ottos, and then gives a brief view of aspects of 'returning to the Ellas' by pre- senting those cases in which the name of Ellines was mentioned by the contemporaries of the late Byzantine Empire.


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