胡 志昂
埼玉学園大学紀要. 人間学部篇 (ISSN:13470515)
pp.130-115, 2001-12

Luofuxing, the ancient text of Moshangsang which is one of the songs collected by the Han Yuefu (the Music Bureau of Han Dynasty), has been regarded as representative work of Han Yuefu, and has been loved by Chinese people. But it has a comic character, which makes itself obviously different from other old texts of Yuefu. It may be a result of adaptation added for harmonizing with the atmosphere of Place, during the process that the songs of Yuefu were brought from lower strata society to the court and were played at the banquets since Wei-Jin period. This article notices the adaptation through division and connection of words accompanied by wanderings and playing of music, and pursuits the character of the ancient text through various aspects related with the generating process of Luofuxing.


教えて!goo (1 users, 1 posts)

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OKWave (1 users, 1 posts)

◆「陌上桑」に関しては ネット検索でヒットしたのは以下のとおりです。 詳細は下記URLにて御確認下さい。 日は東南の隅に出で、我が秦氏の楼を照らす。 …(中略)… 坐中の数千人、皆言ふ夫婿は殊なりと。 http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110004529076 ◆「焦仲卿妻」に関しては ネット検索でヒットしたのは残念ながら以下の部分だけでした。 詳 ...

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