李 修京
山口県立大学國際文化學部紀要 (ISSN:13427148)
vol.11, pp.A1-A10, 2005-03-25

This study seeks to investigate the social influence of culture and its potential in the construction of a peaceful society by considering the case of artistic and cultural movements that were initiated by H.Barbusse in France after the World War I and were disseminated to Japan and Korea then in quite different social circumstances. The author introduces "the Clarte movement" and the activities of Japanese and Korean literary figures who tried to succeed the spirit of H.Barbusse who endeavored to build a transnational network of peace-oriented cooperation through cultural exchange.


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こんな論文どうですか? 国境を越えた文化交流 : クラルテ思想に影響を受けた日韓文学者(李 修京),2005 https://t.co/YyENFAkdwZ
こんな論文どうですか? 国境を越えた文化交流 : クラルテ思想に影響を受けた日韓文学者(李 修京),2005 https://t.co/9wMWNg2DmI

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