佐治 晴夫 Haruo SAJI
宮城大学事業構想学部紀要 (ISSN:1344607X)
no.6, pp.109-128, 2003

This paper describes one of the answers for the elementary question : "Why does the universe exist?" through the view point of 'the anthropic cosmological principle'. Also was shown that the size of human body was entirely determined by the size of the earth, that is, its radius and mass, respectively. This fact means that the possibility of human-beings' existence cannot be separated from a certain fine-tuning of physical constants. And the reason why the universe is so is because human-beings exist at present, that is, the existence of human-beings make possible to exist the universe at present that we can observe now. Finally, the author proposes the inter-disciplinary new field of science : "Mathematical Science of Art", as one of the Liberal Arts subjects.


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編集者: Krorokeroro
2020-06-25 15:15:07 の編集で削除されたか、リンク先が変更された可能性があります。
編集者: K-iczn
2020-03-31 17:46:54 の編集で削除されたか、リンク先が変更された可能性があります。
編集者: Was a bee
2018-06-28 01:26:54 の編集で削除されたか、リンク先が変更された可能性があります。

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