古市 勝也 ブストス ナサリオ
九州共立大学・九州女子大学・九州女子短期大学・生涯学習研究センター紀要 (ISSN:13421034)
vol.9, pp.41-56, 2004-03-31

When we study cases of promotion of "community development through lifelong learning and sports programs", we find communities that emphasize the sports aspects of their programs. In analyzing such cases, we found that if we explain to the people of the community the good effects of the program from an economical point of view, they will easily understand the importance of the promotion of community development through lifelong learning and sports. This paper analyses the reasons why it is important to introduce the economical point of view and the background for it when evaluating the results of these kind of programs. Our results indicate that the communities that emphasize the sports aspects of their programs have good results in many areas, such as : 1. The name of the community becomes well known 2. The infrastructure of the city improves 3. New sports facilities are built 4. The personal monetary spending increases 5. The employment rate increases.


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