長内 国臣 馬嶋 恒雄
北里医学 (ISSN:03855449)
vol.7, no.3, pp.127-138, 1977-06-30

1) During 5 years from July, 1971 through September, 1976, 204 patients of the age 15 or younger were seen at OB-GYN clinic. They are 0.75% of 27, 210 newly registered patients and are expected to increase further. 2) More frequent chief complaints were vaginal discharge (55.0%) and menstrual disorders (18.3%). The incidence of the former was the highest at the age of four and of the latter at puberty around the age of 12〜15.3) Infantile vulvovaginitis was the most popular disease, accounting for 120 cases (58.8%). The pathogens were Staphylococcus aureus in 4 cases, Streptococcus faecalis in 4, Streptococcus pyogenes in one, Candida in 5, and Gonococcus in only one. 4) Other disorders were 3 cases of synechia labialis, 2 of sexual precocity and 3 of vaginal atresia. 5) Ovarian tumor was found in four cases, one of which was embryonal carcinoma. All of them were operated upon with good results.


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