榎本 清
テレビジョン学会年次大会講演予稿集 (ISSN:09191879)
no.32, pp.299-300, 1996-07-17

The Nihon-kawauso has not been seen since May 1979,when a NHK Kochi Bureau cameraman recorded its picture. However, last March, feces presumed to be that of the nihon-kawauso was found at the sea-shore of a western town of Kochi Prefecture. This is expected to be proof of living kawauso. NHK Kochi Bureau was asked for technical assistance in recording the nihon-kawauso by the Kochi Prefecture Nature Preserve Section, and installed a camera which automatically records when activated by its infra-red sensor. This sensor also activates a VCR in Kochi City's NHK Bureau which receives footage from the camera via a series of video links. The following is a report of this 24 hour automatic recording system.


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こんな論文どうですか? 20-8 ニホンカワウソ定点観察システム(榎本 清),1996 http://t.co/OsRtviG1 The Nihon-ka…

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