坂本 健太郎 遠藤 小太郎 行本 正雄 武田 邦彦
日本機械学會論文集. B編 = Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. B (ISSN:03875016)
vol.72, no.722, pp.2338-2345, 2006-10-25

The amount of woody biomass resources in Aichi Prefecture and Toyone Village was estimated on the basis of theoretical and actual production efficiencies. Five factors should be considered at the steady production of reduced carbon from carbon dioxide by sunlight in woods. The ratio of leaf to forest area, the reflection of sunlight on leaf surface, the conversion efficiency from the light energy, efficiency of optical system, and of dark reaction are 0.70, 0.82, 0.24, 0.31, and 0.92 respectively. On the other hand, four factors are in the timber production stage. The energy consumption loss for the daily life of woods, the waste at the forest, the thinner woods to main cutting production, and the thinning are 0.50, 0.47, 0.435, 0.44, respectively. The total efficiency was calculated and the result was 0.0023. Furthermore, near fiscal year 2000, primary energy consumption in Aichi Prefecture is 1.48×10^9 GJ/year, so it is 2200 times than the present production amount and 300 times the best theoretical production amount.


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