勝田 高司 後藤 滋
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
no.53, pp.80-87, 1956-07-30

The wind pressure on exterior wall or roof surfaces varies with the extent of exposure of buildings. In this paper the results of model experiments concerning exposure in the case of built-up areas are described. The wind profiles and the static pressure on the surfaces of walls and roofs were measured, in both cases of the basic site layouts and of the special site layouts. It has been made clear that (1) the characteristics of ventilation of upstream first to third lines in the built-up area are entirely different from those for the middle of the built-up area, (2) as for the basic site layouts the shape of wind profiles has a certain relationship to the shape factors of the site layouts, (3) the rate of ventilation of buildings depends on the ratio of the building area to the site area, K, (4) in the case of the layouts which consist of groups of the buildings of different heights, special consideration is necessary for the low buildings between or near the high buildings.


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こんな論文どうですか? 13.建物周囲条件の換気通風に及ぼす影響(勝田 高司ほか),1956 http://id.CiNii.jp/UWgHL

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