若松 養亮
青年心理学研究 (ISSN:09153349)
no.17, pp.43-56, 2006-02-28

The present study examined the nature of difficulties for undecided students of faculty of education. A questionnaire was administered to 572 junior students in November. It contained revised Career Decision-making Difficulties Questionnaire (Gati et al., 1996). On responses to the scale, factor analysis and cluster analysis were conducted, which produced seven factors and six subtypes of undecided students. The subtypes were different as to sense of comfort (Jones, 1989) and indecisiveness, so the clusters were consistent with groups which preceding studies constructed. Most factor scores for each difficulty didn't vary much in the same subtype, whereas in case of 'interest' and 'method for decision making' factors two clusters ranked higher order compared with other difficulties. Sense of comfort for career decision making was most correlated to how much confidence about interest he/she had. And two-way ANOVA examined effects of alternative-depended factor (whether teaching profession had been one of his/her alternatives or not) and decided/undecided factor on sense of each difficulty.


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