西村 典子 中村 豊 恩田 哲也 伊藤 栄治
東海大学スポーツ医科学雑誌 (ISSN:09153659)
vol.18, pp.100-106, 2006-03-31

The purpose of this study is to report the factors of circulatory disturbances in the fingers of baseball players and the symptoms of those and to investigate the incidences by the administration of a questionnaire. The respondents were 804 players belonging to clubs in junior high school, high school, and universities. According to questionnaires, 202 players (25.1%) were aware of circulatory disturbances in their fingers, and there were most replies having circulatory disturbances in the catching hand with index finger. Especially players of a position with much catching balls frequency, such as a catcher and a first baseman, seem to have the high rate of having circulatory disturbances from repetitive ball impact. No relation to their positions, the appearances of circulatory disturbances in the fingers was remarkably increased from 4 to 7 years from beginning baseball that suggested this period would be needed the device and the measure of practice method for prevent or relief from repetitive ball impact. The various factors seem to be relative causing the appearances of circulatory disturbances in the fingers, such as years of experience playing baseball, their position, their using globes or mitts, temperature, ground condition, smoking custom and so on.


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藤嶋くんの血行障害の疑い。。 変化球磨こうとして、過度な伸展ストレスがかかったことが原因なのか…? この論文がかなり参考になって興味深かった。 https://t.co/66AWmYukg2
@mochotenworld https://t.co/f9Q4dm4RWb ググったら出たけど2ページ目、関係ないですね。そもそもプロに入ってから投手か打者かのどっちかを決まるのも珍しくはないしね
敏郎もこれなのかな 慣れていても気にならないことはないだろうし、なんとか良くならないんだろうか・・・心配 野球選手の手指血行障害の実態 https://t.co/Gz96Y5MYG4 ↓ 皮膚接着剤で傷口塞ぎ DeNA宮崎敏郎が戦う左手の血行障害 https://t.co/vGq86sMfDq #日刊ゲンダイDIGITAL

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