加藤 清司 平野 眞
東海大学紀要. 課程資格教育センター (ISSN:09169741)
vol.3, pp.69-77, 1993

In Japan, many public junior high schools have a rule on close-cropped for boys on the grounds for protection against a delinquency, good sanitation, and concentration in school studies as a part of guidance. Although many assert the rule to invide schoolboy's fundamental human rights, little study has been done on the pedagogical value of the rule. Recently, we attempted to clarify the effects of the rule using statistical analysis. Our working hypothesis was that if the rule had pedagogical effects, the prevalence of the rule in each prefecture would be associated with indices on those effects. We calculated single correlation coefficients of the prevalence of rule with some indices on pedagogical effects and also with indices on pedagogical environment or on regional characteristics. The prevalence of the rule in each prefecture was represented by that in the prefectural capital. After the single correlation coefficient analysis, the multiple correlation analysis was done using indices for which the single correlation coefficient with the pevalence was over 0.2. Of the indices of pedagogical effects, the mean score of the Entrance Examination Center test showed a weak but not significant negative correlation, especially physics and English. Ratio of long-term absentees due to illness and ratio of juvenile delinquent arrested under larceny offenses showed weak but not significant positive correlations. Other indices on pedagogical effects showed no correlations. None of the indices on pedagogical environment showed significant correlations. In indices on regional characteristics, ration of runaways showed a strong positive correlation (p=0.45), and perinatal mortality showed statistically significant positive and number of museums per population showed statisitcally significant negative correlations. According to the multiple correlation analysis, ratio of runaways, number of people per copy of the newspaper, perinatal mortality, number of museums per population and ratio of longterm absentees due to illness were selected and the coefficient of determination was 0.33. These results clearly disprove the pedagogical value of the school rule on closecropped hair for boys. Moreover, they suggested that the rule hinders them from developing their flexible thinking power. From the strong correlation of the ratio of runaways with the prevalence of the rule, it is suspected that the educational function of the family is impaired in regions where the prevalence of the rule is high. In conclusion, this rule has inverse educational effects, and its prevalence would be an index for educational incompetence of the family and school, or backwardness in culture.
川崎 康司
東海大学紀要. 文学部 (ISSN:05636760)
vol.78, pp.238-218, 2002

An Old Assyrian letter (TC 317) adressed to a lady named Waqartum, by Puzur-Assur is a purchase order of textiles being produced by the lady's workshop. It proves that the two parties were in a long and intimate partnership on business, and with the fact and the other evidences Professor K. R. Veenhof has already demonstrated that Assyrian women enjoyed an important role in trading firms managed by their fathers, husbands, and brothers: production of textiles. One question still remains, however, to understand the relationship of both figures, since Puzur-Assur is by no means a family member of Waqartum, neither her husband nor another relative. Waqartum is certainly a nickname of Ahaha, the gubabtum-priestess and the daughter of a famous merchant Pusuken, and she has four brothers whose names and businesses are well-known. What reasons and opportunities, then, made her do single-handed business with the strerrger outside her own family? In this artile, the present author examines Ahaha's career, analysing 'her archive' (47 texts mention her in total) and rearranging the information of them into three periods as follows: (1)In her youth, Ahaha, who had already been nominated a gubabtum-priestess, has been living unmarried. together with her mother. Lamassi. in Assur, while her father and elder brothers were engaged in managing their trading firm, often travelling abroad on business. Meanwhile she started hercareer on textile production by her mother and mastered the business, that is proved mainly by letters of her parents. (2) Many legal documents and letters written down immediately after her father's sudden death, are found in her archive, and almost of them are in concerns with the assets of Pusu-ken and his firm Lawsuits and settlements were concluded in Kanish concerming the assets among his children and buisness partners. One remarkable fact is that Ahaha has right to receive a large inheritance, including some naruqqu-funds invested on his partners by her father at least and possibly also the textile workshop. She remained, however, outside the negotiations managed by her brothers since she somehow stayed alone in Assur, and even her share on the inheritance was kept and used by her brothers without her permission, while only her younger brother. Buzazu, stood by Ahaha as her represetative, but the others-especially her eldest one, Assur-muttabbil, who inherited his father's business and the position of the new head of the family-never and often even against her. Even she personally became in debt because of the maintenance of the family's household in Assur, while Assur-muttabbil should have taken responsibility on it. (3) Letters communicated between Puzur-Assur and Ahaha appear after the latest period of (2). He was a well-established merchant and a business partner of Buzazu. He had, however, been once a junior partner of Pusu-Ken, travelling on business between Kanish and Assur, and that may be the reason Ahaha personally knew him a long time and trusted him. The most important facts for understanding their relationship is that among her inherited share of naruqqu-funds existed that of Puzur-Assur, and that she was still holding her share on it and even investing more on him, while having already converted the funds of the other merchants into money and cleared off the business relations with them. Consequently, the reconstruction of her career thus shows us that Ahaha has enough capital to run her own textile workshop and has quite reasons and chances to have a very trustworthy partner and patron besides her brothers: Puzur-Assur It is also notable that the Old Assyrian society, either or her position of priestess, allows Ahaha such rights and opportunities on her career, although her case might be quite unique.
西村 典子 中村 豊 恩田 哲也 伊藤 栄治
東海大学スポーツ医科学雑誌 (ISSN:09153659)
vol.18, pp.100-106, 2006-03-31

The purpose of this study is to report the factors of circulatory disturbances in the fingers of baseball players and the symptoms of those and to investigate the incidences by the administration of a questionnaire. The respondents were 804 players belonging to clubs in junior high school, high school, and universities. According to questionnaires, 202 players (25.1%) were aware of circulatory disturbances in their fingers, and there were most replies having circulatory disturbances in the catching hand with index finger. Especially players of a position with much catching balls frequency, such as a catcher and a first baseman, seem to have the high rate of having circulatory disturbances from repetitive ball impact. No relation to their positions, the appearances of circulatory disturbances in the fingers was remarkably increased from 4 to 7 years from beginning baseball that suggested this period would be needed the device and the measure of practice method for prevent or relief from repetitive ball impact. The various factors seem to be relative causing the appearances of circulatory disturbances in the fingers, such as years of experience playing baseball, their position, their using globes or mitts, temperature, ground condition, smoking custom and so on.
金 慶珠

高月 義照
東海大学紀要. 開発工学部 (ISSN:09177612)
vol.20, pp.53-75, 2011-03-31

およそ半世紀前までは,多くの人々が文学作品や映画などからいろいろな知識を吸収したものであった.ところがマンガ文化の普及とともにそうした文芸に代わってマンガが若者たちの主要な情報源になってきた.その意味で,マンガが現代の文芸に成長しているのである.文芸になったばかりでなく,マンガ文化は,今や世界各地に輸出され,多くの人たちに読まれ,またマンガから派生したコンテンツとともに「MANGA」は今や世界共通語となっている. このように,マンガが文芸へと成長し,世界に誇る日本を代表する文化の一つにまでなりえた秘密はどこにあるのか.その秘密の鍵はどこにあるのか,それを明らかにするのが本論文の目的である. その秘密を解く最大の鍵は,マンガにおける表現技法の進化にある.つまり,この半世紀の間に表現技法の上で様々な工夫が加えられ,進化を遂げてきたことによって,それまで子供の娯楽の対象でしかなかったマンガが大人の鑑賞と読書に十二分に値する文芸に成長してきたというのが私の考えである. それを論証するために,マンガの構成要素である「絵」と「文」と「記号(オノマトペ)」の3 つのそれぞれの表現技法にどのような進化があったのかを明らかにする. 「絵」については,イメージ重視の繊細な描写と精密な描写の進化があり,それに「コマ割り」の多様化によって心理描写が可能となった.また「文」についても「吹き出し」のパターン化と相俟って文字そのものによる感情表現が可能となった.さらに「記号」の多様化と多用によっていっそうダイナミックな表現が可能となったことなどが主な内容である.
坂部 貢 角田 正史 高野 裕久 欅田 尚樹 立道 昌幸 松田 哲也

関根 嘉香

ヒト皮膚から放散される微量生体ガス(皮膚ガス)は体臭の原因となり、他者の快・不快感に影響することがある。一方、自分の皮膚ガスによって周囲の人がアレルギー様症状を発症すると主訴する人たちが存在する。このような現象・症状はPATM(People Allergic To Me)と呼ばれ、科学的・医学的には未解明であった。本研究では、PATM主訴者に特徴的な皮膚ガスの種類・放散量を明らかにすることを目的に、パッシブ・フラックス・サンプラー法による皮膚ガス測定を行った。その結果、PATM主訴者の皮膚ガス組成には健常者と異なる特徴があり、臭気を伴いながら他者に刺激を与える成分が存在することがわかった。
春田 晴郎
東海大学紀要. 文学部 (ISSN:05636760)
vol.86, pp.19-43, 2006

In this paper, heterographic writing systems, or kun-reading systems, in the world are classified according to their mother scripts, in which heterograms were/are written but read in other languages. Below are these mother scripts, including numerals: 1. numerals; 2. several pictograms ; 3. Latin alphabets, in which Irish heterograms were written ; 4. Sumerograms, read as heterograms in Eblaite, Akkadian, Hurrian (rarely), Hittite, Palaic (rarely), Cuneiform Luwian, Hattic, Urartian and Elamite, and phonetically written Akkadian words also read heterographically in Hittite and Urartian ; 5. Aramaeograms, employed as heterograms in Parthian, Middle Persian, Sogdian, Khorazmian and possibly in some inscriptions in Mtskheta, Georgia and in Armenia ; 6. Kanji (Sinograms), used for the invention of new scripts in some heterographic ways or read as heterograms in Bai script, Goba script, writing of Hani people, writing of Khamu people, Chuang script, Nushu (Women's script), Chunom (former Vietnamese script), Khitan scripts, Jurchin script, Uighur, Korean and Japanese.
小田嶋 悟
東海大学課程資格教育センター論集 (ISSN:13492438)
no.1, pp.26-20, 2002

The Imperial Rescript on Education brought a unity of the view about moral. The result was that moal education was thought of as school subjects. It is important that moral ideas differ from ideas about morality.
渡辺 哲

石丸 煕
東海大学紀要. 文学部 (ISSN:05636760)
vol.68, pp.23-43, 1997

Le Kamakoura-shogounat, qui a ete fonde par MINAMOTO YORITOMO, a la fin du 12^e siecle, changeait son systeme de la politique. La 1^<ere> epoque : la dictature du Shogoun (YORITOMO), la 2^e epoque : la politique du Shikken (le directeur du gouvernement, de HOJO TOKIMASA a HOJO TSUNETOKI), et la 3^e epoque : l'autocratie par Tokouso (la famille de la ligne de HOJO, de TOKIYORI a TAKATOKI). Les chercheurs de ces dernieres annees disent que le systeme de la conference du Kamakoura-shogounat a commence apres la mort de YORITOMO (1199), c'est a dire, pendant l'epoque de l'autocratie du Shikken. Mais dans la periode de YORITOMO, on deja faisait de temps en temps la conference pour aider la decision du Shogoun, dont ily a les preuves dans "AZOUMAKAGAMI", la chronique officielle du Kamakoura-shogounat, comme les mots Goungui, Sata et Hyojo.
石橋 宏之

近年、子どもたちの理科離れが深刻な問題となってきている。本来、好奇心旺盛な幼児期に「遊び」を通して様々な体験や経験から学んでいた原理や仕組みが、おもちゃの複雑化・IT化によって、体験から学ぶ事が非常に難しい環境になってきている。更に、小学校以上の義務教育機関では、カリキュラムや単位数に縛られ、子どもたちに体験的学習をさせる事が難しい。そこで本研究では、「遊び」を通して子どもたちに科学的要素を体験できる教育プログラムを実施し、当該プログラムの有用性の調査として、過去に本プログラムを実施した卒園生(保護者含む)と実施しなかった卒園生(保護者含む)を対象にアンケート調査を併せて行ない、より教育効果の高いプログラムの開発を目指す。1. 本田記念幼稚園卒業生へのアンケート調査(対象:1年生~6年生、対象:401名 有効回答193名)を実施設問22.『生活科・理科・算数はすきですか(卒業生回答)』の問では、本プログラム参加者58名中、95%の方が『すごく好き』・『好き』を選択した。不参加者131名中、86%の方が『すごく好き』・『好き』を選択した。したがって、本プログラムを選択した子どもたちは、小学校に進学後も、継続して理系科目に興味を持ち続けていることが読み取れる。さらに、設問36.『当時お子様と一緒に、何かを作ったり直したりした事はありましたか(保護者回答)』の問では、参加者の90%の方が、『よくあった』『時々あった』を選択、不参加者の86%を上回っている。つまり、理系科目に興味を持つには、保護者との関わりも重要であることが読み取れる。2. 全国幼児教育研究大会で報告。2008年8月5日 テーマ:『考えよう思考力の芽生え』研究大会での講評では下記の4つの点を称賛いただいた。a. 材料を自由に選択して制作できる。(材料の紹介はするが、使い方は教えない。自分で考えアイデアを形にしていく)b. 子どものつぶやきを捉える。(子どものアイデアから、新しい素材や材料を準備する。指導者の固定観念にとらわれず、子どものアイデアを尊重する。子どもたちが自己有能感を持てるようにする)c. 子どもが体験から学ぶ時間を作る。(答えを先に教えない。指導者は待つ姿勢を忘れない)d. 本物に出会う(東海大学動力機械工学科の見学(実車のカットモデル、レーシングカー、ソーラーカーなど)京商株式会社来園(電動ラジコンカー、エンジンカーの披露と説明)3. 以上の事を踏まえ、2008年度レッツサイエンスのプログラムでは、期間中の保護者向けの説明会を実施。内容:1.理論 全国幼児教育研究大会での発表内容。2.実践 子どもたちと同じ環境で材料を自由に選択いただき、自由に作る。4. 2008年度レッツサイエンス参加者へのアンケート調査参加園児32名説明会参加保護者18名設問3.『レッツサイエンスグループの活動は楽しかったですか』の設問に『とても楽しかった』88%、『楽しかった』12%と非常に好評であった。説明会の効果は、設問9.『レッツサイエンス説明会はいかがでしたか』の設問に、参加者18名全員の方が『とても良かった・良かった』と評価していただいた。さらに感想の中で、「いままでは、完成した物をほめていたが、この説明会の後では子どもの工夫やプロセスを見るようになった。子どものアイデアを褒めることができるようになった」など、指導者がわの意図が伝わっていた。設問13.『ものづくりを好きになりましたか(車に限らず)(園児回答者)』の問に保護者が説明会に参加した園児は、『とても好きになった』89%、『好きになった』11%と、保護者が不参加の園児は『とても好きになった』57%、『好きになった』43%という回答になった。このように、幼児時期に科学的遊びを体験すことは、世界的に問題視されている理系(技術者)不足への効果的な手段である。その科学的遊びには、幼児が主体的に『作る⇒遊ぶ(試行)⇒考える(学び、工夫)』のサイクルができる内容であり、自己有能感を持てるように関わることが大切である。さらに、保護者に対しても、内容や重要なポイントを十分に説明し、作ることの楽しさを体験していただくことも大切である。指導者と保護者が相互理解をはかり、子どもたちと向き合うことが重要である。
定方 晟
東海大学紀要. 文学部 (ISSN:05636760)
vol.64, pp.1-23, 1995

It is well known that Kenji Miyazawa, a Japanese writer of the Taisho and early Showa periods, is an ardent follower of the teaching of the Buddhist Sacred Scripture Saddharmapundarika-sutra. In his fairy tales, indeed, do we find frequently motifs deriving from this teaching. But, strange enough, his most important work "Night of Galaxy Railway" is full of Christian images and scanty of Buddhist ones. These Christian images are so beautiful that many readers tend to think that this is a work of Christian faith. This is a misreading. Jovanni, a young hero of the work, did not get off the train when many Christian passengers got off at the "Southern Cross" station, which is the entrance to the Christian paradise. He even said to a young Christian girl, "Your god is not a true god". The author does not explain why Jovanni disapproves the Christian god and its blessing. I suppose that Christianity, having a doctrine of Judgement, does not give happiness to all living beings. To Jovanni who has an ardent desire for "true happiness for all" as he repeatedly says, Christianity does not give satisfaction. Poor readers only see that which is criticized and fail to see criticism itself.
木村 穣 梶原 景正 坂部 貢 大塚 正人

有機リン等の被爆が主原因とされるシックハウス症候群の患者単球においてNeuropathy Target Esterase(以下NTE)の活性が健常者に比べて高いことを2013年に報告した。有機リンが結合したNTEが化学変化を起こすと遅延性のOPIDN(organophosphate-induced delayed neuropathy)を引き起こすとも言われ、有機リン関連疾患の発症機構解析と疾患モデル開発のために、NTEをコードする遺伝子PNPLA6を導入したマウスを作製し、その性状を明らかにすると共に、NTE遺伝子導入細胞での有機リン感受性を検討した。複合体検出系も開発中である。
君塚 正臣
東海大学文明研究所紀要 (ISSN:02850818)
vol.16, pp.55-78, 1996