NAKA Sachiko AOYAMA Eiichi HIROGAKI Toshiki ONCHI Yoshiaki OGAWA Keiji OKU Kentaro
Proceedings of International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st century : LEM21
vol.2005, no.3, pp.1187-1192, 2005-10-18

We have developed a new ultra-low pressure method for obtaining a finer finish in super-finishing using vitrified bonded cubic boron nitride (cBN) abrasive stones, recommended for use in the burnishing stage. This is a finer finish with very small or no stock removal, than ordinarily occurs in a conventional process using aluminum oxide or silicon carbide stones. We have fabricated a prototype super-finishing machine that provides stable ultra-low pressures using an air slider. Super-finishing was attempted using ultra-low pressures (less than 0.1MPa) with cBN abrasives averaging less than 8μm in diameter. As a result, super-finishing with a processing pressure of 0.02MPa could be achieved using fine-grit cBN. The study demonstrated that it is possible to obtain a surface finish on the nano-order under ultra-low pressure conditions.


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Ultra-low Pressure Super-finishing to Produce Nano-surfaces http://t.co/z4Ago2v5

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