栗山 和広
九州保健福祉大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13455451)
vol.7, pp.87-92, 2006-03-25

The purpose of this study was to examine the solution strategies in solving ratio word problems. Thirty-three sixth graders solved three problems of ratio concepts. Three ratio word problems composed of the first term of proportion (p=a÷b;p: proportion, a: quantity to be compared, b: base quantity), the second term of proportion (b×p=a), the third term of proportion (b=a÷p). After solving the ratio word problems, students were interviewed individually. Seven kinds of solution strategies were found: computational strategy, estimation strategy, metacognition strategy, division strategy, inexplicable strategy, figure strategy, and multiple strategy. Students used metacognition and division strategy that students invented, rather than the computational strategy that were instructed in school. This suggested that children utilized not mathematical rule but informal strategies which students invented. These results were discussed in terms of the viewpoint of new curriculum based on informal knowledge that students have themselves.


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