加藤 謙介
九州保健福祉大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13455451)
vol.15, pp.51-60, 2014-03

This study investigated the long-term transition of community conflict caused by cat breeding, especially the case of `community cats' activity in Isogo, Yokohama-city. In this practice, residents treated `cat problem' as `residents-relation problem' thoroughly to manage community conflict, and established "guideline" including two divided claims (like/dislike cats). To examine the features of the long-term practice, content analysis on volunteers' annual reports from 2001 to 2011 was performed. The results suggested that volunteers faced many difficulties during the `community cats' activity and that appropriate communication in a community is vital in conducting the `community cats' activity.
山内 利秋 ヤマウチ トシアキ Toshiaki YAMAUCHI
九州保健福祉大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13455451)
no.17, pp.1-11, 2016-03

After the end of the war, the spread the concept of cultural property in post-war Japan, had an important meaning to citizens involved in commerce. In the confusion of that period, cultural properties needed to be protected by a new system. However, this had a negative effect on the wealthy.Traditionally, the wealthy layer had a monopoly on high culture, but now there was also a layer of the new wealthy.It was against this backdrop that the Horyuji Kondo mural fire incident occurred. Subsequently, the Cultural Properties Protection Law was enacted.Among the post-war education , the influence of the new democratic education ranged in history education .Excavations at the "Tsukinowa-Kofun" ancient tomb was problem-solving approach in conjunction with the community and archaeologists.These activities are carried out in various places has resulted in the protection of cultural property protection movement later.In the 1960s, in which pollution problems escalated into environmental issues, preservation movementof the historical environment occurred here. There was a connection with the learning activity that an expert practiced in Citizen University "Mishima" faced each other to a citizen directly.
登坂 学

登坂 学
九州保健福祉大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13455451)
vol.16, pp.77-87, 2015-03

This study aims to examine the significance of the reception and consumption of Japanese entertainment by the general public in China-especially the Chinese youth. The first section analyzes the intentions of the Japanese government and companies that send Japanese entertainment troupes abroad, whereas the second considers the intentions of the Chinese government and Chinese corporations in their reception of Japanese popular culture. The third section describes, as an example, the management, administration, and activities of a sister group for Japanese "idols" that was launched in Shanghai. It attempts an elementary examination of the way in which youth construct their identity through activities in this group, focusing on statements that specific members have made since joining. The results elucidated the potential of limitless and, open-minded growth and development of self for individuals that have little to do with national borders, ideologies sand the economic strategies of corporations, as well as the universality of socio-educational effects that are created by interactions within youth groups.
山本 郁男 井本 真澄 岩井 勝正
九州保健福祉大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13455451)
no.5, pp.241-245, 2004-03

This paper deals with Cannabis which was produced in Hyuga (Miyazaki Prefecture). Although Cannabis, so called Marijuana, has been prohibited as one of abused drugs by Japanese Government in the present time, it was widely used as fiber materials until now. We examined the historical status, production, circumstances, and product materials for Cannabis fiber in Hyuga. As result, it was found that Hyuga areas also produced Cannabis fiber as famous economical goods through Edo. Meiji, Taisho and the middle of Showa periods in all districts of north Miyazaki, especially at Takachiho, Gokase and Hinokage. However, after World War II, only a few farmers in Hyuga cultivated until about fifty years ago these plants under the permission of Japanese Government according to Cannabis control low.
吉田 啓太郎

In 2012, the Medical Care Plans were revised, following which the Ministry ofHealth, Labour and Welfare has promoted home care and the Integrated Community Care System. The Medical Care Plans, allow pharmacies to take an organizational role in home care equivalent to that of hospitals and clinics. However, according to Central Social Insurance Medical Council, only 11.7% of pharmacies nationwide implemented home care in 2015, making it difficult to say pharmacy home care is prevalent nationally. Therefore, I have researched what legal reform is necessary for the advancement of pharmacy home care. Moreover, I considered the use of current legal system to promote participation home care.Based on my survey, a lack of pharmacy-based pharmacists to cope with home care related workload was identified as a cause for prevalence of pharmacy home care in 2014; this is likely to continue until 2035. By judicial precedent and law structure, pharmacies cannot be established as a Medical Corporation ensuring stability of medical care, even though pharmacy home care is a largely common medical service; in other words, the present legal system does not encourage home care.According to Onda et al. (2016), the outreach of pharmacy home care depends on the number of prescriptions per pharmacist. Moreover, creating sustainability and securing human resources are part of medical law reform. Therefore, I suggest revising the ministerial order establishing the framework for operations conducted by pharmacies, and which bases pharmacist numbers on prescriptions as workload. Accordingly, the Medical Care Plans and Integrated Community Care System of the ministerial order will facilitate the nationwide expansion of pharmacy home care. Moreover, I found two current legal systems that promote home care in terms of Japanese medical insurance system. I considered using two systems is the key to promoting home care under the current legal system.
藤田 由美子
九州保健福祉大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13455451)
vol.12, pp.69-78, 2011-03

The purpose of this article is to examine the subversion and maintenance of gender order as portrayed in Japanese baseball comics through content analysis of the images of female managers. The content analysis in this study was based on the idea of "social constructionalism," in which researchers read and interpret the texts subjectively, rather than analyze the texts objectively. For this analysis, four baseball comics describing female managers of senior high school baseball teams were chosen, three of which were popular. The content analysis was conducted with interpretive reading of each comic, interpreting the representation of the female baseball manager from feminist's and queer sociologist's perspectives. The findings were as follows: Firstly, female managers were represented as exceptions, especially in earlier published comics. Secondly, they were resistant to opposition from their players and other persons through demonstration of their power and skills. Thirdly, their femininity was a point of focus and some male characters looked upon them as sexual objects. These items are discussed in terms of Sedgwick's`homosocial desire' and Butler's`subversion' and maintenance of the gender order.
山本 郁男 宇佐見 則行 井本 真澄 宇佐見 則行 井本 真澄

今給黎 禎子 笠井 新一郎 藤原 雅子 山田 弘幸 倉内 紀子
九州保健福祉大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13455451)
no.8, pp.167-172, 2007-03

The objective of the present study was to investigate the relationship between language development and the development of drawing ability in mentally disabled children. Language tests, motor skill tasks, and drawing tasks were carried out for 23 mentally disabled children. For drawing tasks, children were instructed to draw freestyle and portrait pictures, which were classified into four developmental stages. The relationships between the development of drawing ability and language development in addition to motor skill development were then analyzed. The results indicated that the development of drawing ability was related to language expression, and vocabulary age development. Regarding language development, children who were capable of drawing "design" and "picture" were able to express sequences of >__-3 words. Still more, children who were capable of drawing "picture" were >__-54-month vocabulary age. Drawings, which do not require language ability, are thought to be useful for evaluating children with developmental disorders. In the future, we plan to conduct more detailed analysis on a greater number of subjects after standardizing conditions such as the sequence of tasks.
加藤 謙介
九州保健福祉大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13455451)
vol.12, pp.21-29, 2011-03

In this study, the relationship between pet animals and elderly residents in need of care was examined using a narrative approach. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with seven elderly residents of Nobeoka-city, Miyazaki, and with the social workers assigned to them. The author enquired about the relationship between the elderly individuals and their pets and focused on the benefits or difficulties associated with the animals in daily life. The analysis of narratives focused not only on the narrative content, but also on the manner in which the stories were narrated. The narratives fell into two general categories: (1) narratives including attachment and emotional bonding with the pet, based on a"model story"about the pet, and (2) narratives of the individuals own life story structured by their relationship with their pets. It is suggested that relationships with pet animals may contribute to the process of reconstructing the life story of elderly individuals.
加藤 謙介 カトウ ケンスケ Kensuke KATO
九州保健福祉大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13455451)
no.17, pp.41-47, 2016-03

The present study examined relationship between older persons and companion animals from a long-term perspective. In concrete, (1) Previous studies concerned with relationship between companion animals and elderly people from 1980 to 2013 were examined based on International Federation ofAfing(IFA)'s review, (2) Newspaper articles about this issue were collected from 1985 to 2014, and examined long-term tendency quantitatively. Based on this discu sion, importance of long-term perspective to support the relationship between older persons and companion animals were considered preliminarily.
Snyder Steven M. スナイダー スティーブン Steven M. SNYDER
九州保健福祉大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13455451)
no.17, pp.59-63, 2016-03

この数十年,一言語話者と比較した場合における二言語話者の認知的有益性を示唆する研究報告が増加し続けている。広範囲にわたる年齢層や学習状況を対象とした研究では,二言語話者および第二言語学習者は数々の認知タスクにおいて一言語話者よりも高い結果となり,複数の言語から得られた能力の有益性を示唆している。本稿では,これらの先行研究を概観し,第二言語習得における認知的有益性という新しい効果視点への認識を深める。During the past decades a growing number of research studies have found cognitive benefits for bi-lingual individuals in comparison to people who only speak one language. Across a broad range of ages and learning conditions research has found that bilinguals and students learning a second language perform better on a number of cognitive tasks and exhibit other benefits from their knowledge of more than a single language. This review presents a general summary of the findings to increase general awareness of the cognitive benefits of foreign language learning.
福本 安甫
九州保健福祉大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13455451)
vol.11, pp.107-112, 2010-03

We studied the relationship between the feelings of burden at work including its factors and quality of life (QOL) among the staff working in day care institutions where elderly people staying at home commute to. We examined a total of 111 people. In addition to asking their attributes, we placed to them a questionnaire consisting of 6 items related to their feeling toward work and 15 items to BAQL (Basic Quality of Life Scale).The survey produced the following results : 1. 20.7% of them had feelings of burden heavily, 18.0% of them slightly, while 61.3% to a certain extent; 2. The feelings of burden had more relation to their age than their working conditions (p < 00.05); 3. People with the feelings of burden had a higher sense that their work was hard and too much of a bother (p<0.01); 4. The feelings of burden were related to QOL (p<0.05), especially to physical condition and psychological sense of stability (p<0.01), as well as feeling of comfort, intercommunion and pleasure (p<0.05). From these results, we could guess that the feelings of burden tended to depend on thephysical condition at work and the degree of psychological sense of stability apart from the fact that pleasure and intercommunion were not interactively working. As QOL of the personnel might have a direct influence on users, a support system was thought necessary to achieve psychological sense of stability.
黒川 昌彦 渡辺 渡 清水 寛美

インフルエンザ感染は局所感染であるが、なぜ発熱、頭痛、脳炎などの全身症状が誘発されるかについては未だ明らかにされていない。このため、全身症状の誘発機序が明らかになれば、新たな視点からインフルエンザ感染に対する新薬の開発が可能となると考えられる。これまでのマウスのインフルエンザ感染病態の解析から、感染早期の気道内でIL-12の産生増強が、インフルエンザ感染症の軽症化を導くことを明らかにした。IL-12はインフルエンザ感染における自然免疫から獲得免疫系への一連の感染防御システム、また感染症状誘発の鍵となる因子である。そこで、インフルエンザ感染マウスを用いて気道感染後のIL-12産生様相を明らかにすることを目的とした。感染1-4日後のマウス肺洗浄液中のウイルス量は、感染3日目で最大となり以後減少した。また、サイトカイン産生(IL-12、IL-18、IFN-γ、TNF-α、IFN-α、IFN-β)は、感染2-3日目に最大になりその後減少傾向を示した。しかし、感染1日目において唯一IL-12産生濃度がmock感染マウスより有意に高く、感染にともないIL-12産生が他の5種のサイトカインより先に誘導された。感染1日目の肺の免疫組織学的検討では、ウイルス抗原は気管支上皮やその内部に局部的に認められ、マクロファージは、気管支平滑筋層の下部や細気管支部位に点在していた。IL-12は、気管支平滑筋層の下部に点在して観察された。また、IL-12 transcriptsは、マクロファージ様細胞に検出された。これらの結果、感染初期にIL-12抗原は、インフルエンザウイルス抗原やマクロファージと同様に、感染気管支上皮近傍の気管支平滑筋層の近辺に点在していることが明らかとなった。また、その分布は、マクロファージの分布と類似しており、IL-12がマクロファージ様細胞から産生されていることが示唆された。したがってインフルエンザウイルス感染初期気道内で、IL-12が自然免疫から獲得免疫系への一連の感染防御に重要な役割を演じていることが確認できた。
David Vee
九州保健福祉大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13455451)
vol.4, pp.127-137, 2003-03-25

山内 利秋
九州保健福祉大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13455451)
vol.14, pp.103-113, 2013-03

It has been a long time since the nation has seen a decline in the town and city centres such as the one currently taking place. What is remarkable is that in recent years, activities to revitalize these areas have been performed by external parties, rather than by the people who run the shops in the town/city centres. Also, these revitalization activities strongly reflect the citizens' needs, which are different from the needs of business revitalization that revolves around profit. The city centre of Nobeoka City, Miyazaki Prefecture, has been modernized from its early days as a castle town in the Edo period and was damaged heavily during World War II. It is here that I have been making efforts to carry out revitalization activities with university students. By implementing and reflecting on a range of activities- from initial landscape surveys to preventative long-term care of the elderly and activities aimed at children as well as those designed to bring together the elderly and children-I evaluated how traditions should be passed down to the next generation in city centre areas.
園田 順一 高山 巌 前田 直樹 田中 陽子 栗山 和広
九州保健福祉大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13455451)
no.5, pp.77-84, 2004-03

Recently, school refusal and social withdrawal have become huge social issue in Japan. This phenomenon is specific for Japanese society, which is considered to be deeply associated with education and child discipline. The present study examined the process of the development of school refusal and social withdrawal. Also we suggested the treatments and prevention, focusing particularly on child discipline at home.
前田 直樹 長友 真実 田中 陽子 三浦 宏子
九州保健福祉大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13455451)
vol.8, pp.79-87, 2007-03-25

Co-dependency is a functional deficit whereby individuals control both other's behaviour and their own behaviour in order to keep being depended on by others. It has been pointed out in the clinical field that co-dependency is associated with a variety of mental health problems. There are two parts in this study. The purpose of the first part of the study was to develop a questionnaire of particular co-dependent behaviours and to examine the relationship between co-dependency, depression and dependent personality. The factor analysis of the questionnaire generated two factors, "Self-sacrifice" and "Immaturity" . Based on these factors the subscales were developed. Besides, Self-Depression Scale (SDS) was used to assess their mental health With regard to measuring dependent personality, eight items were extracted from dependent personality disorder from Cluster "C" Personality Disorder of DSM-IV-TR. The sample was 290 social welfare students (179 males, 111 females). The analysis of correlation showed a significant relation between co-dependency, depression and dependent personality. The second part of the study hypothesised that co-dependency of social welfare students would be higher than students majoring in a different subject The co-dependent data, gained from the first par of the study, was compared with data from students majoring in another subject (n=142). However, it was not found a significant difference between them. Further studies in this area should gather more data from clinical field.
矢花 芙美子 山之内 宏太朗 溝口 純二 林 行雄 古澤 慶子
九州保健福祉大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13455451)
vol.5, pp.173-177, 2004-03-25

We investigated a relation between recognition of one's own body and abnormal eating behaviors with method of questionnaires. The subjects were female students who were registered in 18 preparatory schools in Japan and their average age was 18.3. About recognition of one's own body we make a index of a degree of difference between self evaluation with their body form, including body dissatisfaction, and real BMI, and we assessed eating behaviors with three-factor Eating Questionnaire (Eating Inventory, Stunkard & Messick) and Eating Attitude Test (EAT-40, Garner & Garfinkel). So far there was a theory that abnormal eating behaviors were related with high numbers of BMI, but results of our research were different. In both Eating Inventory and EAT-40 we found that abnormal eating behaviors were likely to appear in the case that a difference between self evaluation with their body form and real BMI was great.
苅安 誠
