軽部 恵子
桃山法学 (ISSN:13481312)
no.9, pp.27-52, 2007-03-20

This paper discusses the possibility of achieving global governance withgender equality in the U.N. Regime. First, this paper considers several definitionsof global governance and determines to use the following: internationalsystem which has been established to respond to those issues which appearbeyond national borders and might affect the entire human being. The examplesof such system include international organizations, international organizations,treaties, and markets. Second, this paper reviews the history of U.N.documents on women's rights beginning the U.N. Charter. These documentsinclude the following : the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the U.N.Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women,the U.N. Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination againstWomen (hereinafter "the Convention" or "the U.N. Convention on Women")and the Beijing Declaration and the Platform.Third, this paper examines four issues which are obstacles to implementfully the U.N. Convention on Women, the most important international instrumentamong the U.N. regime on women. These issues include the following:reservation to the Convention, the necessity of education for women, the effectivenessof the reporting system by States Parties of the Convention, andthe protection of women under armed conflict. The protection of women underarmed conflict lies beyond the jurisdiction of the Committee on the Eliminationof Discrimination against Women, which is merely a monitoring body ofthe Convention.Finally, this paper will argue whether global governance can be achieved inthe field of gender equality.


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編集者: Strangesnow
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