にしゃんた J.A.T.D.
山口県立大学國際文化學部紀要 (ISSN:13427148)
vol.13, pp.a35-a51, 2007-03-31

International is not a new word for Japanese, this word has been used for a long period. However this word International does not mean the same thing to both Japanese and non Japanese in this country. In this paper we will study how the word International appears in the eyes of non Japanese. Japan these days has come to the stage where it is suffering from a declining number of children and labor force. Acceptance of immigration has been pointed out as an answer to this problem. However, before Japan can move to the next stage of accepting new immigrants, arguments are needed for postponed or ignored issues that been occurred in the past time in this country, issues which obstruct Japan from becoming a multicultural society.


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編集者: クブクリン
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