大北 志帆 久保 雅義
デザイン学研究. 研究発表大会概要集 (ISSN:09108173)
no.54, pp.264-265, 2007-06-20

Kyoumachiya which is "space for with historic property and a person to live" is demolished, and it is rebuilt to a parking lot and an apartment, an office, a modern house in a development project. Why must Kyoumachiya be demolished? In addition, about whether it is not regenerated to Kyoumachiya, I investigate consciousness investigation and a listening comprehension of a person living in actual survey investigation of Kyoumachiya, Kyoumachiya and consider an answer of the doubt. And will show a solution concretely in future whether Kyomachiya retains it as Kyoumachiya if there is any kind of action for Kyoumachiya of this study is aimed.


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