山岸 賢一郎
飛梅論集 : 九州大学大学院教育学コース院生論文集
vol.7, pp.109-124, 2007-03

Until now, some Japanese philosophers of education have read the late works of Wittgenstein as containing a certain concept of the Other. From there, they have been elaborating an argument which is a theory of the Other as well as a theory of educational relationship. According to this argument, the Other is the learner who appears in the inside of the realizability of educational relationship. It stresses the Heterogeneity existing between the learner and the teacher. In addition, it claimed the ethical problem resulting from heterogeneous character of the learner, based on its Otherness, which calls for its respect. In this paper, the above described concept of the Other and the subsequent theory of the Other will be reconsidered and reformulated. After a close reading of Wittgenstein's writings on rule following, it will be made clear that if any Other shall be found in the his argument, it is a rather different concept. That is, a concept belonging to the outside of realizability of educational relationship. For this reason, it cannot be called a learner. From such reconsiderations, it can be concluded as follows: 1) that the Wittgensteinian approach to the Other has no relation whatsoever with the educational relationship theory. 2) that no ethical problem concerning the learner can directly be drawn from the concept of the Other. 3) that one who stands in the inside of the realizability of educational relationship (as learner or teacher) necessarily shares some kind of homogeneity and commonality in some way or another.


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