相原 洋人 田中 信雄
Dynamics & Design Conference
vol.2007, pp."340-1"-"340-6", 2007-09-25

There have been a number of reports on active noise control (ANC). However, conventional ANC using a voice coil loudspeaker promises attenuation only at targeted local points. Then ANC using a parametric array loudspeaker as a control source is discussed. A parametric array loudspeaker exploits nonlinear interactions of finite amplitude ultrasounds in the air. Characteristics of a parametric array loudspeaker have already been reported by a number of researchers. However, there are few investigations of simulation or experimental result of ANC using a parametric array loudspeaker. This paper addresses control effect of feed forward ANC using a parametric speaker as a control source. The control effect is more than 20dB by ANC using a parametric array loudspeaker as a control source at 1000Hz. Distribution maps of sound pressure of ANC using a conventional speaker and a parametric speaker as a control source are shown by numerical analyses and experiments.


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内容読んでもちんぷんかんぷんだろうが、こんなんもあった。CiNii 論文 -  340 パラメトリックスピーカーを制御音源として使用した騒音制御 http://t.co/f10QnPFNRI #CiNii

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