田中 美和子
国際研究論叢 : 大阪国際大学紀要 (ISSN:09153586)
vol.19, no.1, pp.39-53, 2005-10-31

'Cockney', one of the least-valued accents in Britain, is well-illustrated in My Fair Lady(1964), which is based on the drama Pygmalion written by Bernard Shaw. In this paper we will focus on what features cockney has, examining the lines by a flower girl, Eliza Doolittle and her father. Accent was one of the factorsthat sustained 'class barriers' especially in those days as Professor Higgins says "'Aoow' and 'Garn' that keep her in her place". We will also consider the role of cockney in the history of English.


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こんな論文どうですか? 音声学資料としての映画--『マイ・フェア・レディ』(1964)に見るコックニー方言(田中 美和子),2005 https://t.co/Kfktp15YiY 'Cockney', one of the least-value…
こんな論文どうですか? 音声学資料としての映画--『マイ・フェア・レディ』(1964)に見るコックニー方言(田中 美和子),2005 https://t.co/Kfktp1n1kY 'Cockney', one of the least-value…
CiNii 論文 -  音声学資料としての映画 -『マイ・フェア・レディ』(1964)に見るコックニー方言- http://t.co/xyAXyaRORv #CiNii

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