秋山 朋子
国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.43, pp.95-107, 2001-03

This study examines the significance and necessity of differentiation of the phallic phase from the Oedipal phase in order to understand the female developmental process. The study summarizes the characteristics and developmental tasks for each phase. Consequently, the following observations were pointed out. First, the psychological functions acquired in the phallic phase contribute to ego development in the subsequent phases of conflict and become the energy for maturity. In clinical practice, these functions become the energy to work through the CCRT of neurotic patients. Second, the castration complex for women is different from that of men. Its characteristics are much closer to those of the phallic phase such as identification, narcissism, and superego. Third, compared with men, working through the female castration complex relatively contributes to the integration of self-representation.


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女性の人格発達における「男根位相」「エディプス位相」の臨床的意義に関する文献的展望(教育心理) https://t.co/ta62RrWQVS 気が向いたら読むかもしれない

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