丸山 千歌
ICU 日本語教育研究センター紀要 = The Research Center for Japanese Language Education Annual Bulletin (ISSN:13447181)
no.6, pp.15-42, 1997-03-31

武田 清子
国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.11, pp.47-103, 1965-03

Kanji Kato (1884-) was a unique educator of farmers who aspired to regenerate agricultural communities as the spiritual and material foundation of the nation. He was once converted to Christianity under the influence of an American missionary, but later he became an enthusiastic follower of Dr. Katsuhiko Kakei, a Shinto theorist and professor of law at Tokyo University. Kakei, having adopted Hegelian philosophy, developed a new interpretation of Shintoistic Nationalism. Thus it became Kato's mission to educate the farmers to Shintoistic Nationalism. From another approach, Tadaatsu Ishiguro, a pioneering leader in the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, was seeking ways to solve the serious problem of farmers' poverty, which was aggravated by a continuous agricultural crisis in the 1930's. Ishiguro attempted to implement two policies. One was a kind of reform of the landlord system (which, however, only became realized by command of the U.S. Occupation Forces after World War II), and the other was a plan to develop an educational program for training leaders in rural communities. Ishiguro was planning to establish a Japan Higher Folk School, adopting the pattern of that developed in Denmark under the leadership of Nikolai F. S. Grundtvig, an outstanding Christian leader who worked to solve that country's ruraIproblems. Kato was invited to serve as the first principal of this school, which, first in Tomobe and later in Uchihara, in Ibaraki prefecture, became the center of education of farmers in Japan. Same or similar kinds of folk schools with Kato's educational thought and method, spread all over the country. This educational movement in its early stage was expected to be like that in Denmark. It might have given the impression of sharing some of the humanistic and democratic sentiments of other new educational movements of the Taisho period, which were typically critical of the formalistic public school system (under direction of the Ministry of Education) and emphasized informal educational methods, pragmatic combining of "labor" and "education", and practical concern for social problems, etc. But in reality Kato's movement contributed to preparing, spreading and supporting the idea of Shintoistic Nationalism and fascistic ultra-nationalism in the thought pattern of the rural Japanese. Kato, when he realized that the second and third sons of poor peasants had no land to cultivate, was convinced simply that land had to be found for them somewhere in the world, and Manchuria offered the best opportunity. He persuaded military authorities, as well as the government itself, to adopt an agricultural emigration policy under which 5,000,000 poor peasants were to be sent to Manchuria. After the Manchurian War in 1931, this program became national policy, and Kato's school became the center for training the emigrants to Manchuria. Later Kato proposed sending out young boys between the ages of 16 and 19, besides the adult emigrants. At the government's request, many schools all over Japan were forced to select the best ten in ability and health among their graduating students and to send them to the school in Uchihara. They were trained there, and later at branches in Manchuria, in both agricultural and military practices. Then they were sent out to the northern frontiers as kind of colonial troops… a total of more than 300,000. Many of these capable and healthy boys, living under inhuman conditions in a severe climate, with poor food and heavy labor, suffered illness or died. Later, at the end of World War II, more than 80,000 boys, women and children were left behind by the Japanese troops and became tragic victims to the attacking Russians and Chinese. This paper is an analytical study of Kato's Shintoistic Nationalism and the nature and role of his educational movement in the historical process of modern Japan. The content is as follows: I . Preface…the purpose of this paper. II. The Folk School Movement for "regeneration" of rural communities in the period of agricultural crisis. III. Kanji Kato's Shintoistic Nationalism and his educational thought and method practiced and demonstrated through the Japan Higher Folk School Movement. IV. Emigration of farmers and youth troops to Manchuria as the result and continuation of Kato's educational activities. V. The significant nature and problems of Kato's nationalistic educational thought and movement in the history of educational thought in modern Japan.
岡本 葵 藤田 英典
国際基督教大学学報. I-A 教育研究 = Educational Studies (ISSN:04523318)
no.51, pp.93-102, 2009-03-31

加藤 悠二
ジェンダー&セクシュアリティ (ISSN:18804764)
no.4, pp.61-72, 2009

This study is based on interviews with heterosexual women who have closefriendships with gay men. In the Japanese media's "Gay Boom" phenomenon that arosein the 1990s, gay men were represented as being the ideal partners for heterosexualwomen. While this has stimulated research and incurred various criticisms from gay andlesbian academics and activists, there has been no qualitative research of heterosexualwomen.This study is based on interviews of 14 heterosexual women who have closefriendships with gay men. The interviews were of one hour in length and consisted ofquestions such as "Where did you meet your gay friend and what kind of relationshipdo you have with them?," "What kind of relationships do you have with heterosexualwomen and men?," and "Do you have lesbian friends?" Various patterns were discoveredin the way heterosexual women got to know gay men and in the kinds of relationshipsthey formed. It also became apparent that even if the initial motivation for meeting had been out of mere curiosity, the relationships eventually developed into close friendships.
五野井 郁夫
社会科学ジャーナル = The Journal of Social Science (ISSN:04542134)
no.85, pp.5-22, 2018-03-31

This paper focuses on presenting and analyzing some of the most importanttheological models of participatory democracy, deliberative democracy and liquiddemocracy to emphasize their possibilities and limits. Each of these democratictheories are located between democratic bipolar models‒representativedemocracy and direct democracy‒ and have explicit commitment to reconsiderexisting models of representative democracy. Liquid Democracy is bothdemocratic political idea and the open source political voting platform createdand practiced by the Swedish and German Pirate Parties as a way to create ascalable and delegate democratic political party in the era of development of theinformation society and social network. Recently this idea has partly been appliedby the working groups of Bundestag (German federal parliament). This papershows how these three models of democracies can be embedded into theframework of existing democratic bipolar models by attempting to providetheoretical foundations of “mixed government” in democratic theories.
石井 由香理
ジェンダー&セクシュアリティ (ISSN:18804764)
no.5, pp.3-22, 2010

This paper considers the transitions in the "Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatmentof GID" , which was created by the Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology. By analyzing the text of the guidelines, we observe that the current concept of gender has become less influential in representing a consistent identity model for society today.This is reflected in the following distinctions in the transitions of the guidelines in which there are five issues to be emphasized: First, gender identity is defined as being of multiple forms. Second, the approach to medical treatment is determined not only by an individual' s gender identity but also by his/ her life, world and value system. These factors explain the need for more diversity in medical treatment. Third, it is supposed that gender identity has coherence. Fourth, since diversity of gender is more emphasized, a patient's decision concerning treatment is more highly regarded than ever. And lastly, due to the extended scope of decision-making, the range of patients' self-responsibility for the risk is extended accordingly. It is evident from these guidelines that the concept of gender that has hitherto disciplined people has become weaker.However, this does not necessarily mean that society has become an ideal world.There are still various problems concerning the issue of transgenderism that must beconsidered.
稲 正樹

北仲 千里
ジェンダー&セクシュアリティ (ISSN:18804764)
no.5, pp.95-109, 2010

Domestic violence typically tends to be regarded as a crime against women. Menand LGBTs (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people) who suffer violence fromtheir partners have been left out from the domestic violence prevention policy. A recent investigative survey found that some male and LGBT victims asked the DV Center for help. However, a major institutional problem is that the DV victim center was originally set up on a former existing women's support center. The definition of a sex crime is also a problem. Rape is defined as a behavior in which a man rapes a woman. The fact that there is little understanding among support staff is a major problem as well.
Gender and sexuality : journal of Center for Gender Studies, ICU (ISSN:18804764)
vol.6, pp.93-104, 2011-03-31

This report examines aspects of social activities based on the name of "gender identity disorder," which have recently become known. The terminology "gender identity disorder" describes those people trying to live as a different sex from which they were born; they showsome aspects of sex conflicted between biological and social genders. Issues of labor trouble those people most. In the current Japanese labor market, there are problems regarding the exclusion of people marked as "gender identity disorder"- only those who agree that theirbiological gender matches their social gender can become regular and dispatched workers. In order to solve these issues, there has been a social movement that requires the central and the local governments to make a settlement. This activity allows the intervention of the health system in gender, since it is conducted under the name of the medical discourse of "gender identity disorder." Such interference has been criticized for its attempts to control the diversity of sexuality. This study utilizes previous studies criticizing medical intervention in gender and controlof sex. In particular, it reports that although they take the course of accepting control of sex, social activities bearing the name of "gender identity disorder" aim at more diverse sexualities than existing systems. It claims that social activities do not naively medicalize or control acertain sex but rather paint a picture of the society which approves of sexual diversity by placing "gender identity disorder" in the field of policies aspiring for equality in both sexes. This report will to show some cases that demonstrate how the control and the medicalizationof sex do not simply enhance control of sex.
Khor Diana
ジェンダー&セクシュアリティ (ISSN:18804764)
no.5, pp.45-59, 2010

佐々木 輝美
国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.46, pp.143-152, 2004-03

The main purpose of this study was to examine how sexually explicit media would affect college students' attitudes towards sex. Previous study results based on Gerbner's theory of cultivation would suggest that students exposed to sexually explicit media would accept distorted sexual information or behavior depicted in the media. A survey was conducted to investigate this relationship among college students (N=350). The survey consisted of eight items probing sexual media exposure and their attitudes toward sex. x^2 analysis results indicated a positive correlation between the items of sexual media exposure and attitudes toward sex. The discussion further considers details surrounding the mechanism of accepting distorted sexual information, media exposure, the formation of attitudes and the roles of peers.
マーハ ジョン C.
国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 = Educational Studies (ISSN:04523318)
no.46, pp.173-185, 2004-03-31
