福重 進也 赤星 保浩 渡辺 圭子 FURUSAWA Naomi KOURA Takao 趙 孟佑 HARADA Shoji 藤田 辰人
年次大会講演論文集 : JSME annual meeting
vol.2007, no.5, pp.415-416, 2007-09-07

Space debris impact to solar array causes not only destruction of insulation layer but also impact-induced plasma. This plasma lead to arcing between two points with potential differences on the solar array, for example, high potential cell and low potential cell or substrate with a damage on the insulation layer. Joule heat of this arcing can carbonize insulation layer and create permanent short-circuit path. This is permanent sustained arc. In this study, hypervelocity impact test was conducted to a solar array coupon which was compose of grand potential substrate and high potential cell applied voltage using an external circuit to simulate condition of power generation. We measured temperature and density of plasma created by hypervelocity impact as well as current and voltage of the external circuit in order to evaluate possibility of the permanent sustained arc between high potential cell and substrate on the solar array due to a space debris impact.


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こんな論文どうですか? 4135 衝突誘起放電実験(S77 宇宙ごみ問題とその解決策,S77 宇宙ごみ問題とその解決策)(福重 進也ほか),2007 https://t.co/WpiTp1Rm3u

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