高橋 弘彦 鈴木 省三 宮城 進 熊坂 繁太郎 佐藤 佑
仙台大学紀要 (ISSN:03893073)
vol.27, pp.43-51, 1996-03

Concerning the change of body temperature during long distance swimming, comparison is made between the case of wearing wet suit and the case of without it. Moreover, the effect of sea environment condition is investigated. Main results of this study can be summarized as follows : 1) The body temperature tends to decrease faster in case of swimmers with lower body fat percentage, especially in lower water temperature. However, even among swimmers with about the same body fat percentage, the individual differences are observed. 2) Although the physical intensity is kept at relatively low level during the long distance swimming, the swimmer's subjective response shows increasing difficulties as time elapses. This may be because of the continued motion, the decrease of body temperature and resultant increase of metabolism. 3) Before carrying out the long distance swimming, every swimmer's body composition must be examined. Especially for the swimmers with lower body fat percentage, the instructor should observe carefully their responses. It must be noted that wearing the wet suit, which does not fit well the swimmer's physique, is not necessarily effective for the purpose of keeping the body temperature. 4) Human reaction is remarkably influenced by not only the water temperature but also velocity and direction of the tidal current. Therefore, before making decision whether or not carry out long distance swimming, the instructor should investigate sufficiently those sea environment conditions.


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こんな論文どうですか? 遠泳時の生体反応に関する調査(2) : ウェットスーツ着用の効果(高橋 弘彦ほか),1996 https://t.co/AW6poJTf16

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