坂根 治美 Osami Sakane 仙台大学 Sendai College
仙台大学紀要 (ISSN:03893073)
vol.28, no.2, pp.55-67, 1997-03

Kiryu Koto Kogyo Gakko was established at the beginning of Taisho era by the request of and at the expense of the local community of Kiryu, a textile district in Eastern Japan. Judging by the geographical mobility of the students and by the school extension activities, this school maintained a relatively close cooperation with local industry in the area of weaving during the growth of the textile industry in Kiryu through the Taisho period. It is conceivable that this close cooperation was facilitated by two factors. On one hand, this school started as an institute of technology of textile industry which could have a direct and functional relationship with the independent factory owners or the local capitalists who were the main and peculiar bearers of the local textile industry in Kiryu in those days. On the other hand, influential independent factory owners or local capitalists in Kiryu were the main members of the movement to establish this school and they could be the link between the school and the local industry.


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