周 大成
日本歯科医史学会会誌 (ISSN:02872919)
vol.8, no.4, pp.38-41, 1981-09-20

In 1975, a group of archaeological workers of our country found a male corpse besides more than 500 precius cultural relics when they were unearthing the Tomb No. 168 of the Western Han Dynasty on Phoenix at Jiangling County. According to the attrition of the teeth, it revealed that the dead was over, 60, stalwart and well-developed, 167.8 cm tall and 52.5 kg in weight. From the unearthed bamboo documents' records, it proved that the government post during his life time was "Wu Tai Fu", which is equal to a county magistrate noadays. He was buried on 13 th May, 167 B.C., thus 2142 years before the date of unearthing. When it was unearthed, the corpse had a peaceful expression, looking like an old man in sound sleep. His blood group was of the AB group.; the anthropological characteristics were similar to those of the contemporary Han nationality. All parts of the body was well preserved. The skin remained moist and elastic, and soon returned its original state after finger oppression. As it was soaked in alkaline liquid (pH, 8.4), thecorps' hair was lost. The large and small joints were still movable. 32 Teeth, bluish black in colour, still existed in the oral cavity. All the teeth, except the right upper third molar, which tooth mobility was three grade, still retained tightly in the alveolar bone. The roots of the anterior teeth were exposed apical one-third to one-half approximately, due to the recession of the periodontium. The dead had been affected by parodontosis, but no caries was to be found. There was severe attrition all over tae occlusal surface of the dentition, loss of enamel, exposure of dentine and the crown shortened. Enamel dentine, cementum, root canal and pericementum showed a very distinct appearance under radiographic examination. Electron microscophic examination and chemical elemental analysis revealed that the enamel structure, shape, size and anatomical feature of the teeth were most alike those of modern times. The bones and joints were intact and identical with those of contemporary age. The brain was well conserved, dura intact and blood vesse-s distinct. The total weight of brain and dura was 970 g. The twelve pairs of cranial nerves were intact and clear. Acute diffuse peritonitis due to perforation of gastric ulcer which was the complication of chronic gastric ulcer, followed by extensive bleeding could be the cause of death. Other systemic diseases were also described in this article.


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