佐藤 真理恵
美學 (ISSN:05200962)
vol.59, no.2, pp.44-57, 2008-12-31

A classical Greek noun, prosopon originally means both face and mask. This paper takes advantage of the reason why this term connotes both of them, which seem directly-opposed ideas by our means. Prosopon is consisted of prefix pros and noun ops, and signifies the thing towards etes literally. It is, to sum up, appearance as surface-front, and dislocates structure of binomial confrontation between face and mask. Nevertheless, it is also impossible to disregard the rest of prosopon which is beyond description in just an aspect above-mentioned of it. Because, prosopon which need the others and is given by the exterior, is fated to be read by someone confront, for indeed its character it is open for and exists in the exterior. And, from a point of view of the watching it, these surface prosopon is a field presence and absence crossing. However, in the other side, in the ancient Greek texts, the action that restores its primary mean as appearance has applied to a moment for conquer a fear of death. Anyway, different from a modern concept, prosopon in the ancient Greek is heteronomous, the face that could not but start from the character of surface-front.


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