名塚 ちひろ 岡本 誠
デザイン学研究. 研究発表大会概要集 (ISSN:09108173)
no.56, pp.96-97, 2009-06-20

It is difficult for the blind people to find that they want to buy in shopping. In this research, I used the method of scenario based design and I shed light on some potential needs of their shopping. I interviewed blind people and a guide helper. From the result, I focused three points, "using while shopping", "want to do unexpected discovery", "want to know what there is ahead", and I proposed a device "COMPASS". As a result of the evaluation, I got opinions from blind people such as "I can discover some items for oneself" and "I can decide some items to buy on the scene". Outlook for the future, I have to improve the shape and specifications. I also entertain another shopping scenes.


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こんな論文どうですか? C04 シナリオ法を用いた視覚障害者の買い物をサポートする機器の提案(情報デザイン,「想像」する「創造」〜人間とデザインの新しい関係〜,第56回春季研究発表大会(名塚 ちひろほか),2009 http://id.CiNii.jp/e75vL

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