和氣 美紀夫 千葉 正毅 柳澤 貴司 ロンペル・ライン ロイ・コーンブル
一般社団法人 日本エネルギー学会
日本エネルギー学会大会講演要旨集 (ISSN:24238317)
vol.18, pp.242-243, 2009

Electroactive Polymer Artificial Muscle has two operating modes: an actuator mode and a generator mode. The actuator mode uses planar deformation of elastomers resulting from the combination of an electrostatic attractive force between electrodes on each side of the film, and a repulsive force within each electrodes, both being generated by a voltage difference applied between the two electrodes. The EPAM generator mode uses the reverse process of the actuator mode, storing the increase in electrostatic energy originating from the deformation of EPAM by an external force. Because the energy for each cycle of deformation does not strongly depend on deformation speed or frequency, a generator working under this phenomenon can harvest energy from a variety of low-frequency natural sources, such as the up and down movement of waves, the gentle movement of rivers, and the movement of human beings and animals. The movement of vehicles and buildings may also be used to generate energy.


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こんな論文どうですか? 4-2-2 人工筋肉アクチュエータを用いた波力発電システムの現状とその未来(4-2 エネルギーシステム2,Session 4 新エネルギー,研究発表)(和氣 美紀夫ほか),2009 … https://t.co/5Pvm9h0Chu
こんな論文どうですか? 4-2-2 人工筋肉アクチュエータを用いた波力発電システムの現状とその未来(4-2 エネルギーシステム2,Session 4 新エネルギー,研究発表)(和氣 美紀夫ほか),2009 … https://t.co/5Pvm9h0Chu

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