与那覇 晶子
地域研究 (ISSN:18812082)
no.1, pp.55-67, 2005-06

第3回沖縄市戯曲大賞受賞作品『カフェ・ライカム』は、上里和美の初戯曲で、2000年11月、沖縄市民小劇場「あしぴな-」で初演、また翌年7月「県立郷士劇場」で再演された。上里はこの戯曲を通して、戦後沖縄をたくましく生き抜いてきた沖縄の女・夏子を中心に沖縄の戦後を抉り取って見せる。その特筆すべき点は、戦争中日本人隊長にレイプされた夏子の過去が、皮肉にも、夏子にプロポーズし、朝鮮戦争で記憶を失った報道カメラマン・ハイマンの撮った写真と「記憶の想起」によって明らかになる劇構造である。またメタシアターの要素がちりばめられたことばの面白さも含め、クレオール化する沖縄、変わることのないキーストーン沖縄の姿が立ち現れる。この論稿では、「戦争、女、記憶」というモチーフ/文脈の中で『カフェ・ライカム』を位置づけ、この作品の意義を明らかにしたい。そのため沖縄の劇作家・知念正真の『人類館』(第26回岸田戯曲賞受賞)およびイタリアのノーベル賞受賞作家・ピランデルロの『未知の女』を通して、これらのモチーフに関する類似と差異を検討し、その上でとりわけ記憶というモチーフが作劇上どのように機能したかを論じた。War comes up in plays even after a half century has passed since the calamity of the Battle of Okinawa. It appears as if Okinawans are trying to reall their tragic memories of the war over and over again. There are two distinctive characteristics of modern Okinawan plays. The first characteristics is that women play central roles in war plays. The second is that themes of the plays are also related to Okinawa's socio-political sphere; specifically the huge U.S. military bases that have stationed in Okinawa, making it the key stone of the Pacific. The play 'CAFE RYCOM' which won an Okinawa City Play Award in 2000, displays the above two characteristics. The play was written by Kazumi Uezato, a dentist and a political activist, and was directed by Kyoko Teruya on November 3rd and 4th 2000 in the the "Ashibina-" theatre, and reproduced in 2001. The majority of the audience appreciated it well as the play displayed what many Okinawans experienced during and after the war. The play covers World War 2, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War. Its long span of time shows the position of Okinawa caught between the U.S. and Japan. The U.S. occupation of Okinawa which lasted for 27 years from 1945 to reversion to Japan in 1972 ironically indicates Okinawa's geo-political importance and the eventual pressure applied to Okinawans. The main story of the play is focused on the love story of an Okinawan woman, Natuko, who was a nurse working for the Japanese military, but who was actually raped and treated as a sort of comfort woman by a Japanese captain during the land Battle of Okinawa. After the war, she falls in love with an American war photographer, Highman, at CAFE RYCOM. However, Highman's loss of memory in the Korean War forced them to separate for 18 years, during which time she gives birth to a boy and raises him while working as a dancer and singer. At CAFE RYCOM, some women supposedly sell their bodies while raising their children. This shows the multiple gender of Okinawan women.


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こんな論文どうですか? 『カフェ・ライカム』に見る戦争、女、記憶(与那覇 晶子),2005 https://t.co/TmUbwfo3ID 第3回沖縄市戯曲大賞受賞作品『カフェ・ライ…

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