飯田 浩平 前橋 栄一 西山 幸夫 葛田 理仁 田中 雄大
vol.2009, no.16, pp.737-740, 2009-12-02

We have developed a instrument for measuring coefficient of friction on wheels, moving on wheel tread with small creepage, which is called "Mobile u-tester." The instrument is constructed with support system and measuring unit, which is driven by flexible rack, pinion and a pulse motor. The measuring unit carries a measuring roller, which is driven by timing belt and pulse motor. Controlling above two motors then it is able to obtain small creepage condition. Meanwhile, coefficient of friction is calculated from normal force, which is supplied by a spring, and friction force measured by load cells. At first, we have measured coefficient of friction on real wheels under non-dismantling condition. Then, we have obtained rough characteristics of creep force. Finally, we have captured the effect of lubricant on coefficient of friction.


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自動車の車輪と地面の間の摩擦係数を求める論文はあまり見つからなかったのですが、鉄道の分野では鉄車輪とレールやコンクリ面との摩擦を測定する研究が最近でもあるようです。基本的には同じ測定方法で車輪と地面の摩擦係数が求められるのではないでしょうか。 「鉄車輪とコンクリート間に作用するクリープ力と摩擦係数」(PDFダウンロード可) http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/11000781 ...

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