松田 淳 谷藤 鉄也 和才 克己 河村 政昭 安部 隆士
vol.2007, 2007

For the investigation of the electro-magnetic heat shield technique, the shock tube was operated as an expansion tube. By using this facility, interaction phenomena between the applied magnetic field and weakly ionized plasma was experimentally investigated by the flow visualization. The test flow velocity is conjectured to be 8km/s from the theory, when the propagation velocity of the primary shock wave is 10km/s at 0.1torr of ambient pressure. In that condition, the shock stand-off distance indicated by the self radiation region generated ahead of the test model was compared between the cases with and without the applied magnetic field. As a result, by applying the magnetic field, it is suggested that the shock stand-off distance could be larger.


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こんな論文どうですか? 膨張波管を用いた再突入電磁ヒートシールド手法の可視化実験(空気力学・高エンタルピー流(2),一般講演)(松田 淳ほか),2007 https://t.co/h8ZXpJ3vPR For the investigation o…

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