林田 新
美學 (ISSN:05200962)
vol.62, no.1, pp.97-108, 2011-06-30

INA Nobuo is known as the photo critic who emphasized the medium specificity of photography in his essay "Return to the Photography" in 1932 and who theorized and encouraged the reportage-photography. So researchers regarded his concept of reportage-photography as the consequence of pursuing the nature of photography. But it's a little known fact that he edited the graph-montage entitled "Scoping out the Crisis" on the magazine Hanzai-Kagaku in 1932. Interestingly, he used not only photographs but also some illustrations in his work. The aim of this paper is to re-examine his concept of reportage-photography through discussing the reason why he used some illustrations. In the era of "Ero-Gro-Nonsense" not a few books insert some erotic and exotic images to gratify the reader's desire. In response, rendering the exploring, consuming or looking people by caricatures, and the explored, consumed or looked people by photographs, his graph-montage represents class confrontation and the photography as spectacle negatively, because he assumed that photographs has to be used to convey "thought and emotion" clearly through the printed media. In this way he valued the editing on the printed media more than the property of automatic recording.


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写真の「危機」 : 伊奈信男と「エロ・グロ・ナンセンス」 http://t.co/qRTTYzidix

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