甲田 烈
相模女子大学紀要. A, 人文系 (ISSN:18835341)
vol.76, pp.43-56, 2012

This papers advocates the Positive Philosophy through the Metanoesis of Tanabe's philosophy and Ethics of Spinoza. The author explains a positivity from the awareness of limitation in human being. Positive emotion such as joy and powerless awareness in surrender are also the essence of positivity. Awareness of penitence leading to an inability to transform its core is, in the philosophy of Tanabe, self-affirmation will occur through confession. On the other hand, in Spinoza, leading to self-affirmation of pleasure increases with the deepening recognition of the particular things, that it is inherent in God. Although both end of the spectrum is looks at first glance, is to elucidate the structure and the conditions under which positivity holds together. It is suggested from this that, in Positive philosophy , establishing the viewpoint meta integrated approach Positivity a counter seemingly "strength in weakness" in the PTG and the manner in various of positive emotions in positive psychology it is possible that.


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久しぶりに話題提供です。  『ポジティブ哲学の原理と実践 : 非人称的アプローチからの構成』という論考が勤務校の紀要に掲載されました。  抜き刷りはかなりあるのですが、関心のあるみなさんにお会いする機会もありませんので、ここでリンクしておきます。PDFでDLすることができます。  内容的には、田邊元のスピノザ読解を手がかりに両者を比較し、田邊の懺悔道(metanoesis)における「否定即肯定 ...

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 久しぶりに話題提供です。  『ポジティブ哲学の原理と実践 : 非人称的アプローチからの構成』という論考が勤務校の紀要に掲載されました。... http://t.co/5Mkl9Gl0tO

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