池田 宏樹
千葉経済大学短期大学部研究紀要 (ISSN:13498312)
vol.9, pp.一-一六, 2013-03-31

The Great Kanto Earthquake caused big damage in Chiba Prefecture. The research of The Great Kanto Earthquake is many even in Chiba Prefecture. However, there is little research with regard to the makeshift measure immediately after the Great Kanto Earthquake. People who suffered damage with the earthquake disaster there are not a house and food is poor and camped for 10 days. 95% of people of Awa-gun Houjoucho lost the house. Houever, there is not research that announnced their life. As for this calamity the rumour exerted a big influence. And the Korean slaughter event occurred. Japanese is misitaken by Korean in the Great Kanto Earthquake and killed. Youths took an active part with the volantary service in the Great Kanto Earthquake. I want to announce there problems with this paper.


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ETV特集に関連した文献メモ。池田宏樹「関東大震災と千葉県」(https://t.co/jCDOWjvkSG)、関東大震災80周年記念行事実行委員会編『世界史としての関東大震災』、関東大震災90周年記念行事実行委員会編『関東大震災 記憶の継承』。副題は省略。

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