坂 堅太
日本近代文学 (ISSN:05493749)
vol.87, pp.81-95, 2012-11-15

This paper explains Abe Kebo's motives for writing "Henkei no kiroku," focusing on a variety of representations of the dead during the Second World War. First, it introduces his ideas from around the same period about the recording of facts, and analyzes "the dead" as an allegorical signifier. This leads to the conclusion that Abe was not so much trying to depict the War itself as the linguistic environment surrounding the representations of the dead. It also suggests that the corpses of the Chinese people depicted in the story invalidate the narrative inside Japan that held that Japanese are the war victims. The analysis shows that Abe wrote "Henkei no kiroku" as a criticism of the Japanese discussion of war responsibility.


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安部公房の『変形の記録』って知りませんでした。そしたらこれで論文もあるのですね。 CiNii 論文 -  安部公房「変形の記録」における「死人」形象について : 主観的被害者か、客観的加害者か https://t.co/nuCQaggWMI #CiNii
【安部公房関連論文】安部公房「変形の記録」における「死人」形象について : 主観的被害者か、客観的加害者か:坂堅太→「日本近代文学」87号掲載:CiNiiで公開 http://t.co/IJtAphIHCV

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