滝口 清昭 河野 賢司
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2011, pp.181-184, 2011

In movable bodies, such as vehicles, grounding cannot be taken outside during movement. For the reason, it was difficult to carry out short-distance communication using the car itself, or to detect electric field change which occurs between a road surface and a car. In this research, by making them act geometrically using two or more electrodes, a possibility that virtual standard potential would be generable on a movable body was found out, the standard potential device named the "smart reference" was made as an experiment, and the principle check was carried out.


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こんな論文どうですか? 3105 車載スマートリファレンスの開発 : 基準電位デバイスの自動車への適用(OS3-3 自動車の制御技術,OS3 交通・物流システムの制(滝口 清昭ほか),2011 https://t.co/Xnw2wDqdKC In …

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