高山 巖 野添 新一 吉牟 田直
行動療法研究 (ISSN:09106529)
vol.4, no.1, pp.50-56, 1979-01-31

The patient was a 9-year-old boy. Besides suffering from periodic vomiting, he had cerebral palsy showing left-sided hemiparesis, pes equinovarus, slurring of speech and mental retardation. At the age of 4, his vomiting suddenly occurred when he waked from his sleep and was frightened at seeing his father, who had been away from home about 4 months, standing beside him. Since that time his periodic vomiting had persisted. Through behavioral analysis following facts were noticed, 1. His vomiting was considered to be elicited mostly by psychological strain or physical exhaustion. 2. He was brought up under the overprotection of his parents because of his physical and mental handicaps. And consequently, it seemed that his development of social adaptation was extremely disturbed. So, even the simple task in school and home life caused him easily to fall into the state of psychological tension and physical exhaustion which were eliciting stimuli of vomiting. Based on the results of these behavioral analysis, following behavioral techniques were carried out. 1. Through daily practice and encouragement to take care of himself in his home life and to make the circle of his friendship larger and larger in his school life by using operant conditioning techniques, we aimed at that he did not easily yield to psychological strain and physical exhaustion which were eliciting stimuli of vomiting. 2. We instructed the patient's parents to take neutral attitudes toward the symptoms and conplaints of the patient and how to behave toward his desirable bihaviors. Using these and other related procedures, we succeeded in the treatment of this case. And until now, he has been keeping good conditions in his health and school adaptation.


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こんな論文どうですか? 心身障害児にみられた周期性嘔吐症の行動療法による治験例(<特集>ソヴィエトの心理療法と行動療法)(高山 巖ほか),1979 https://t.co/UFBWhodW9I
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こんな論文どうですか? 心身障害児にみられた周期性嘔吐症の行動療法による治験例(<特集>ソヴィエトの心理療法と行動療法)(高山 巖ほか),1979 https://t.co/6xcAvfo7tQ

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