延廣 良香 向井 美紀 小倉 由美 藤田 悦則 村田 幸治 亀井 勉 辻 敏夫 金子 成彦 吉栖 正生
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
Dynamics & Design Conference
vol.2011, pp._207-1_-_207-10_, 2011

For the homeostatic control, there are Ultra Low Frequency (ULF) fluctuations on the backbone of the control. We think we can extrapolate state of human by capturing variation of ULF fluctuations. In this study, a method was conceived for capturing ULF fluctuations by performing the time series of the gradients analysis of the pulse wave taken from the surface of the back, which was defined as an aortic pulse wave (APW) with zero-cross detection method or peak detection method. APW was recorded during an experiment with an induced sleep test in the sitting position. The results indicated that we can find drowsiness, a predictive signal for falling asleep and an impending sleep by catching variability of 0.0017Hz, 0.0035Hz and 0.0053Hz of ULF fluctuations of APW obtained by the analytical method we had invented.


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