白井 達也 金子 真 原田 研介 辻 敏夫
The Robotics Society of Japan
日本ロボット学会誌 (ISSN:02891824)
vol.20, no.1, pp.57-64, 2002-01-15 (Released:2010-08-25)

Through grasp experiments by human achieving an enveloping grasp for a small cylindrical object placed on a table, we found an interesting grasping motion, where human changes the finger posture from upright to curved ones after each finger makes contact with the object. During this motion, the object is automatically lifted up through either rolling or sliding motion between the finger tip and the object. A series of this motion is called as Detaching Assist Motion (DAM) . An advantage of DAM is that most of grasping motions can be done on the table instead of in the air. Therefore, we can avoid the worst scenario where the object falls down to the table. We first discuss the basic mechanism of DAM by human experiments. We then apply the DAM to a grasping motion by a multi-fingered robot hand. We show that the DAM can be explained by using Self-Posture Changing Motion. We also show some simulation and experimental results to confirm that a small object can be grasped easily by applying the DAM.
福場 良之 辻 敏夫 林 直亨 三浦 朗 山岡 雅子

西川 一男 古川 浩二 河手 功 農沢 隆秀 辻 敏夫
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.80, no.816, pp.BMS0247, 2014 (Released:2014-08-25)

In the study reported here, the operational characteristics of a human-gearshift lever system were experimentally analyzed in consideration of the mechanical properties of the human arm and related effects on muscle activity. The results highlighted three points in particular: (1) It is possible to determine positioning that facilitates operation as well as the operational direction of the gearshift lever based on force manipulability in consideration of human joint-torque characteristics; (2) subjects feel that handling is easier when arm muscle activities in push and pull operations are almost equal during translational lever movement; and (3) the gearshift lever operation speed and the force-stroke characteristics have a very significant effect on whether operation is favorable or poor. Comprehensive consideration of these results is expected to be useful in the design of a human-vehicle gearshift lever system.
田中 良幸 神田 龍馬 武田 雄策 山田 直樹 福庭 一志 正守 一郎 辻 敏夫
The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.42, no.12, pp.1353-1359, 2006-12-31 (Released:2009-03-27)
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The present paper investigates human mechanical impedance during the operation of a virtual steering system according to dual-arm configurations. The developed steering system using an impedance-controlled robot can accurately estimate mechanical impedance properties around the rotational axis. Experimental results demonstrate that a human changes his/her impedance properties in both the grip position on a steering wheel and the magnitude of steering torque. Overall stability of a human-steering system is then discussed by means of the measured human impedance parameters.
馬屋原 康高 関川 清一 河江 敏広 曽 智 大塚 彰 辻 敏夫
公益社団法人 広島県理学療法士会
理学療法の臨床と研究 (ISSN:1880070X)
vol.28, pp.9, 2019 (Released:2019-07-19)

高齢者の肺炎の約 80%が誤嚥性肺炎であり、誤嚥性肺炎リスクを早期に発見し対応すること が急務である。嚥下機能と咳嗽能力の関連があることが報告されており、咳嗽能力を評価する ことは重要である。その評価指標の一つとして、咳嗽時の最大呼気流量(CPF)が用いられてい る。CPF値が270 L/min以下となった場合、呼吸器感染症を発症すると、急性呼吸不全に陥る 可能性があるとされ、160 L/min以下では、気管内挿管も考慮される値と報告されている。そ の他 242 L/min 未満が誤嚥性肺炎のカットオフ値として報告されている。臨床的には、そのカッ トオフ値を参考に低下した CPF を種々の咳嗽介助法を用いてカットオフ値以上に引き上げるこ とが重要となる。さらに筆者らは、咳嗽音を用いてより簡便な咳嗽力の評価方法を提案している。 誤嚥性肺炎を予防する第 1 歩としてより幅広く咳嗽力評価が用いられることを期待する。
秋吉 駿 古居 彬 平野 陽豊 隅山 慎 棟安 俊文 三戸 景永 曽 智 笹岡 貴史 吉野 敦雄 神谷 諭史 中村 隆治 佐伯 昇 吉栖 正夫 河本 昌志 山脇 成人 辻 敏夫
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.Annual57, no.Abstract, pp.S236_2, 2019 (Released:2019-12-27)

【目的】ヒトの疼痛を客観的に定量評価することを目的として,著者らは末梢交感神経活動を反映する血管剛性と電気刺激時の主観的疼痛度の間に有意な関係があることを見出した.本報告では,血管剛性から筋交感神経信号の分散を非侵襲推定し,推定した分散から主観的疼痛度をより高精度で客観的に定量評価する方法を提案する.【方法】広島大学・医の倫理委員会承認のもと事前にインフォームド・コンセントが得られた健常成人男性22名(22.7±1.0歳)を対象に皮膚電気刺激実験を行った.刺激中の心電図,血圧,指尖容積脈波から求めた血管剛性を用いて筋交感神経信号の分散を推定した.その後,ウェーバー・フェヒナー則を用いて筋交感神経信号の分散と主観的疼痛度の関係をモデル化し,モデルによる推定値と実測値との相関解析を行った.比較のため,血管剛性と主観的疼痛度の間においても同様の解析を行なった.【結果】筋交感神経信号の分散から推定した主観的疼痛度と実測した主観的疼痛度の相関は,血管剛性の場合と比較して上昇した(提案法: r = 0.60, p < 0.001, 血管剛性: r = 0.47, p < 0.001).【結論】提案法は主観的疼痛度を従来法より高精度かつ客観的に定量評価可能であった.
秋吉 駿 神谷 諭史 中村 隆治 佐伯 昇 吉栖 正夫 河本 昌志 山脇 成人 辻 敏夫 古居 彬 平野 陽豊 隅山 慎 棟安 俊文 三戸 景永 曽 智 笹岡 貴史 吉野 敦雄
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.57, pp.S236_2, 2019

<p>【目的】ヒトの疼痛を客観的に定量評価することを目的として,著者らは末梢交感神経活動を反映する血管剛性と電気刺激時の主観的疼痛度の間に有意な関係があることを見出した.本報告では,血管剛性から筋交感神経信号の分散を非侵襲推定し,推定した分散から主観的疼痛度をより高精度で客観的に定量評価する方法を提案する.【方法】広島大学・医の倫理委員会承認のもと事前にインフォームド・コンセントが得られた健常成人男性22名(22.7±1.0歳)を対象に皮膚電気刺激実験を行った.刺激中の心電図,血圧,指尖容積脈波から求めた血管剛性を用いて筋交感神経信号の分散を推定した.その後,ウェーバー・フェヒナー則を用いて筋交感神経信号の分散と主観的疼痛度の関係をモデル化し,モデルによる推定値と実測値との相関解析を行った.比較のため,血管剛性と主観的疼痛度の間においても同様の解析を行なった.【結果】筋交感神経信号の分散から推定した主観的疼痛度と実測した主観的疼痛度の相関は,血管剛性の場合と比較して上昇した(提案法: r = 0.60, p < 0.001, 血管剛性: r = 0.47, p < 0.001).【結論】提案法は主観的疼痛度を従来法より高精度かつ客観的に定量評価可能であった.</p>
平野 旭 辻 敏夫 滝口 昇 大竹 久夫
The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.41, no.4, pp.351-357, 2005-04-30 (Released:2009-03-27)
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This paper proposes a new model of the membrane potential change of Paramecium for environmental stimuli. The proposed model calculates not only the membrane potential based on the Hodgkin-Huxley equation, but also the internal Ca2+ concentration in cilia that cannot be measured with the actual organism. This will be helpful to reproduce the behavior of Paramecium based on the mechanism of the actual organism. Simulation experiments demonstrate that the proposed computer model can reproduce the characteristics of the actual organism.
馬屋原 康高 関川 清一 河江 敏広 曽 智 大塚 彰 辻 敏夫
公益社団法人 広島県理学療法士会
理学療法の臨床と研究 (ISSN:1880070X)
vol.29, pp.9, 2019 (Released:2019-07-05)

高齢者の肺炎の約 80%が誤嚥性肺炎であり、誤嚥性肺炎リスクを早期に発見し対応すること が急務である。嚥下機能と咳嗽能力の関連があることが報告されており、咳嗽能力を評価する ことは重要である。その評価指標の一つとして、咳嗽時の最大呼気流量(CPF)が用いられてい る。CPF値が270 L/min以下となった場合、呼吸器感染症を発症すると、急性呼吸不全に陥る 可能性があるとされ、160 L/min以下では、気管内挿管も考慮される値と報告されている。そ の他 242 L/min 未満が誤嚥性肺炎のカットオフ値として報告されている。臨床的には、そのカッ トオフ値を参考に低下した CPF を種々の咳嗽介助法を用いてカットオフ値以上に引き上げるこ とが重要となる。さらに筆者らは、咳嗽音を用いてより簡便な咳嗽力の評価方法を提案している。 誤嚥性肺炎を予防する第 1 歩としてより幅広く咳嗽力評価が用いられることを期待する。
佐野 佑子 神鳥 明彦 島 圭介 田村 康裕 高木 寛 辻 敏夫 野田 正文 東川 史子 横江 勝 佐古田 三郎
The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.47, no.6, pp.272-281, 2011 (Released:2011-12-19)
1 2

We tested the repeatability of a finger tapping device with magnetic sensors to determine its reliability. This device, which was developed to assist in the diagnosis of movement disorders such as Parkinson's disease (PD) and strokes, measures the distance between the first and index fingers during finger tapping movements (opening and closing the fingers repeatedly). We evaluated three types of repeatability based on ICC (interclass correlation coefficient) and Welch's test (test for equal means in a oneway layout): repeatability when measured at different times, when using different devices, and when using different measurers. We calculated these three types for three finger tapping tasks on both hands for 21 characteristics calculated from finger tapping waveforms. Results demonstrated that the repeatability when using different devices is high regardless of the task or hand. The repeatability when measuring at different times and when using different measurers is high at some tasks, but not all. One of the finger tapping tasks (finger tapping movement with the largest amplitude and highest velocity), which is used in a conventional PD diagnosis method (UPDRS), does not have enough repeatability, while other tasks show high repeatability. Results also showed that five characteristics have the highest repeatability (ICC ≥ 0.5 or significance probability of Welch's test ≥ 5% in all tasks): “total moving distance,” “average of local minimum acceleration in opening motion,” “average of local minimum acceleration in closing motion,” “average of local maximum distance” and “average of local minimum velocity”. These results clearly demonstrate the strong repeatability of this device and lead to more precise diagnosis of movement disorders.
田中 良幸 辻 敏夫 金子 真
The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan
電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) (ISSN:03854221)
vol.119, no.4, pp.425-431, 1999-04-01 (Released:2008-12-19)

This paper proposes a new method for dynamic control of redundant manipulators via artificial potential field approach (APFA). The proposed method is based on the APFA with a combination of a time scale transformation and a time base generator which works as a time scale compressor. The dynamic behavior of the manipulator can be controlled by using the proposed method without any change of the form of the designed controller itself. The effectiveness of the proposed method is verified by computer simulations for redundant manipulators.
白井 達也 金子 真 辻 敏夫
日本ロボット学会誌 (ISSN:02891824)
vol.17, no.4, pp.567-576, 1999-05-15 (Released:2010-08-25)

This paper discusses the scale-dependent grasp. Suppose that an object is initially placed on a table without touching by human hand and, then he (or she) finally achieves an enveloping grasp after an appropriate approach phase. Under such initial and final conditions, human unconsciously changes the grasp strategy according to the size of object, even though they have similar geometry. We call the grasp planning the scale-dependent grasp. Focusing on column objects, we first classified the grasp patterns into a couple of grasps and extracted the essential motions so that we can apply the scale-dependent grasp to multi-fingered robot hands. We found that the grasp patterns should be also changed according to the surface friction and the geometry of cross section of object in addition to the scale. The basic strategies were verified by experiments. Finally, we considered how each strategy should be switched from one to another.
末田 大和 服部 稔 澤田 紘幸 惠木 浩之 大段 秀樹 上田 淳 辻 敏夫 栗田 雄一
一般社団法人 日本ロボット学会
日本ロボット学会誌 (ISSN:02891824)
vol.32, no.6, pp.566-573, 2014 (Released:2014-08-15)

This paper reports experimental results on a surgical grasping forceps that equips a vibration actuator to enhance a tactile perception ability. A short-time exposure of tactile receptors to sub-sensory white-noise vibration is known to improve perception ability. This phenomenon, called stochastic resonance (SR) in the somatosensory system, is expected to enhance the sense of touch when the weak vibration is applied, and thereby improve associated motor skills. To investigate the effect of the noise intensity, a summing network of FitzHugh-Nagumo model neurons was built. The simulation results showed that appropriate noise intensity improves the coherence between the input stimuli and the network response. To confirm the efficacy of the proposed method on the surgical grasping forceps, passive and active sensory tests have been conducted. A lead zirconate titanate (PZT) actuator was attached on the grip of the forceps to generate the physical noise. The experimental results show that the appropriate noise improves the detection capability of the stimuli.
延廣 良香 向井 美紀 小倉 由美 藤田 悦則 村田 幸治 亀井 勉 辻 敏夫 金子 成彦 吉栖 正生
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
Dynamics & Design Conference
vol.2011, pp._207-1_-_207-10_, 2011

For the homeostatic control, there are Ultra Low Frequency (ULF) fluctuations on the backbone of the control. We think we can extrapolate state of human by capturing variation of ULF fluctuations. In this study, a method was conceived for capturing ULF fluctuations by performing the time series of the gradients analysis of the pulse wave taken from the surface of the back, which was defined as an aortic pulse wave (APW) with zero-cross detection method or peak detection method. APW was recorded during an experiment with an induced sleep test in the sitting position. The results indicated that we can find drowsiness, a predictive signal for falling asleep and an impending sleep by catching variability of 0.0017Hz, 0.0035Hz and 0.0053Hz of ULF fluctuations of APW obtained by the analytical method we had invented.
寺脇 充 曽 智 平野 旭 辻 敏夫
公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.47, no.2, pp.119-125, 2011 (Released:2011-12-19)
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Although the quality of tap water is generally examined using chemical assay, this method cannot be used for examination in real time. Against such a background, the technique of fish bioassay has attracted attention as an approach that enables constant monitoring of aquatic contamination. The respiratory rhythms of fish are considered an efficient indicator for the ongoing assessment of water quality, since they are sensitive to chemicals and can be indirectly measured from bioelectric signals generated by breathing. In order to judge aquatic contamination accurately, it is necessary to measure bioelectric signals from fish swimming freely as well as to stably discriminate measured signals, which vary between individuals. However, no bioassay system meeting the above requirements has yet been established. This paper proposes a bioassay system using bioelectric signals generated from small fish in free-swimming conditions. The system records signals using multiple electrodes to cover the extensive measurement range required in a free-swimming environment, and automatically discriminates changes in water quality from signal frequency components. This discrimination is achieved through an ensemble classification method using probability neural networks to solve the problem of differences between individual fish. The paper also reports on the results of related validation experiments, which showed that the proposed system was able to stably discriminate between water conditions before and after bleach exposure.
辻 敏夫 島 圭介 村上 洋介
The Robotics Society of Japan
日本ロボット学会誌 (ISSN:02891824)
vol.28, no.5, pp.606-613, 2010-06-15
4 9

This paper proposes a novel pattern classification method of user's motions to use as input signals for human-machine interfaces from electromyograms (EMGs) based on a muscle synergy theory. This method can represent combined motions (e.g. wrist flexion during hand grasping), which are not trained by a recurrent neural network in advance, by combinations of synergy patterns of EMG signals preprocessed by the network. With this method, since the combined motions (i.e. unlearned motions) can be classified through learning of single motions (such as hand grasping and wrist flexion) only, the number of motions could be increased without increasing of the number of learning samples and the learning times for controlling of the machines such as a prosthetic hand. Effectiveness of the proposed method is shown by the motion classification experiments and prosthetic hand control experiments. The results showed that 18 motions, which are 12 combined and 6 single ones, can be classified sufficiently through learning of 6 single motions only (average rate: 89.2 ± 6.33%), and the amputee could control of a prosthetic hand using single and combined motions at will.
福田 修 藤田 真治 辻 敏夫
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
電子情報通信学会論文誌 D (ISSN:09151923)
vol.J88-D2, no.1, pp.105-112, 2005-01-01
