石先 広海 Herring Susan C. 服部 元 小野 智弘 滝嶋 康弘
vol.12, no.3, pp.47-52, 2013-08-20

We analyze user behavior on SoundCloud.com, a web-based music distribution site, using the methodology of computer-mediated discourse analysis. The broad goal is to infer patterns of use that can inform the development of methods to facilitate communication among online users. In order to achieve this goal, we analyze SoundCloud comments and identify site design features that facilitate users' actions, using speech act analysis and dynamic topic analysis. We address two research questions: What are the most common communicative acts on the music distribution site, and which commenting function of the site contributes most to facilitating interactive commenting? Results of speech act analysis show that 56% of comments are REACT which means site users mostly react to the song in short, simple comments. Additionally the users tend to be more interactive when using the timed comment function, which appear below the song waveform, provided by the site. Dynamic topic analysis reveals that the structure of regular comments, made on the song as a whole, shows prompt focused such as blog comment, and structure of timed comments shows sequential threads are more interactive as is the case in chatting. These findings indicate that comments which focus on particular part of the song have possibility to facilitate user's interactive comments.


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[音楽] サンクラのユーザー行動分析
[音楽] サンクラのユーザー行動分析

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