吉村 信之
季刊経済理論 (ISSN:18825184)
vol.41, no.4, pp.78-89, 2005-01-20

The aim of this paper reconsiders Marx's concept of Money-Dealing Capital (Geldhandlungskapital) in his work Das Kapital. Money-Dealing capital is analyzed only a few small Chapter XIX. But the importance in genesis of credit system has great weight. This paper clarifies; (1)money-Dearing Trade plays a important rule in formation of credit system, (2)pits theoretical range is broad, which implies analysis of contemporary capitalism. In Marxian Economics, the Credit System has been discussed with two factors. In his "Capital" vol.III, Marx analyzes Credit System. Marx says in Chapter XIV, "Credit and Fictitious Capital", in one place, "Just as these mutual advances of producers and merchants make up the real foundation of credit, so does the instrument of their circulation, the bill of exchange, form the basis of credit-money paper, of bank-notes, etc." (Capital, Vol.III, 1958, Progress Publishers, pp.401-403). But he also says like this, "The other side of credit system is connected with the development of money-dealing, which, of course, keep step under capitalist production the development of dealing in commodity…. The Other side of Credit System-the Management of Interest-bearing Capital, or Money Capital, develops alongside this Money-Dealing as a special Function of Money-Dealers" (op.cit., p.402). Most of studies-including Theory of Kozo Uno, who is a Japanese Marxian economist-place important point the former factor-the bill of exchange is the basis of bank credit. But we point out the importance of the latter factor, especially Money-Dealing trade-not autonomous money-Dealing Capital which Marx thought-in the Credit System. To revise the concept of money-Dealing Capital, and to focus vital standpoint money-Dealing trade and money-Dearing cost in banking occupation or merchant trade, Marxcian Credit Theory will have a more effective analysis to the Capitalistic Crisis and, further more, contemporary currency system.


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吉村信之2005「貨幣取扱業務の再検討 : 信用と恐慌をめぐって」 http://t.co/F6s1Qo2oOp #CiNii 宇野派信用論の再検討。

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