作野 理恵
プール学院大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13426028)
vol.55, pp.11-26, 2014-12

In the 19th century, dance music in Vienna prospered since people enjoyed dancing regardless of their social status. During the time of the Viennese Classic period from 1750 to 1830, the music of Haydn(1732-1809), Mozart(1756-91), and Beethoven(177-1827) was followed by the music of Schubert(1797-1828), one of the first of the Romantic School. This was, in turn, followed by the music of Bruckner(1824-96), and Brahms(1833-97), and other Post-Romanticists who were active in Vienna. However, Johann Strauss II(1825-99) established a new music culture in Vienna despite working in Vienna during the same time period. Although the music of Johann Strauss II was popular music, it also had the support of many great composers. Despite being music for entertainment, his works were evaluated highly by other artistic musicians. An analysis of the works of Johann Strauss II was taken to understand the essence of his music as well as the reasons why he was so highly respected by other composers. The conclusion is that the music of Johann Strauss II had an unmatched "nobility" or "refinement." This was a result of his tenderness and intelligence, originating in his Viennese background.


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Johann StrauβII(1825-99) Wiener musik の本質 : 音楽表現の伝統と独自性 https://t.co/IMfQsB3VQO #bot

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