林 徹
經營と經濟 : 長崎工業經營専門學校大東亞經濟研究所年報 (ISSN:02869101)
vol.94, no.1, pp.1-25, 2014-09-25

It is almost impossible to master negotiation skills only through off-JT. But playing MONOPOLY enables players to both negotiate and communicate better to some extent. In this paper we show why MONOPOLY has such important effects in terms of strategic decision-making of business, i.e.,"partial ignorance"(Ansoff,1965) and the theory of play (Calliois,1967).On the one hand, comparing the negotiation process in business with that in MONOPOLY, we extract the similarity, partial ignorance, of the two. That is a factor essential for improvisation or sense-making (Weick,1979,1984).On the other, reviewing preceding research on the play, we connect MONOPOLY as a game to the theory of play in order that it has great potential for players enough to develop the social adaptability and ethical sense.


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