村上 隆之 斎藤 勇夫 望月 公子
宮崎大学農学部研究報告 (ISSN:05446066)
vol.33, no.1, pp.p1-8, 1986-10

鳥類19種の冠状動脈を肉眼的に観察した.### 一般に,左・右大動脈洞から起始し,深枝と浅枝に分岐する2本の冠状動脈が認められたが,これらに加え197例中5例に別の細い動脈が大動脈洞から直接起始している所見がえられた.### 右冠状動脈は一般に左冠状動脈と同大か,やや太かったが,フクロウ目では逆に左大動脈の方が太い傾向が認められた.### 右深枝は右浅枝より太いのが一般的であるが,ゴイサギの9例中3例に両者の太さの等しいものが見られた.### キジ目,ツル目, ミズナギドリ目,チドリ目,フラミンゴ,スズメ目では左深枝が左冠状動脈の主幹をなしていたが,ガンカモ目,フクロウ目,ゴイサギ,シュバシコウでは左浅枝の旁円錐室間枝が主幹をなしていた.ワシタカ目とヘラサギでは左深枝と旁円錐室間枝が同大であった.### 鳥類心臓の動脈分布様式を比較検討した結果,観察した19種の鳥類のそれらは8型に分類された.The coronary arteries were macroscopically investigated in 19 species of aves.### There were usually two coronary arteries arising from the left and right aortic sinuses, each dividing into a deep and a superficial branch. However, in five of 197 specimens examined, other small arteries arose directly from the aortic sinus.### In general, the right and left coronary arteries were of equal size or the former was slightly larger than the latter. However, in the hearts of Strigiformes the left artery was larger than the right.### The right deep branch was larger than the right superficial branch, but in 3 of 9 hearts of Nycticorax nycticorax they were equally developed.### In the hearts of Galliformes, Anseriformes, Procellariiformes, Charadriiformes, Phoenicopterus###ruber chilensis and Passeriformes the main trunk of the left coronary artery was formed with the left deep branch, but was formed with the paraconal branch of the left superficial branch in Anseriformes, Strigiformes, Nycticorax nycticorax and Ciconia ciconia. In the Falconiformes and Platalea leucorodia the deep and the paraconal interventricular branches were equally developed.### Eight patterns of arterial distribution were thus recognized in the hearts of 19 species of aves.


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こんな論文どうですか? 鳥類の冠状動脈の分布様式について(村上 隆之ほか),1986 https://t.co/xoOAOklYZa 鳥類19種の冠状動脈を肉眼的に観察した.### 一般に,左・…
こんな論文どうですか? 鳥類の冠状動脈の分布様式について(村上隆之ほか),1986 http://id.CiNii.jp/IbzSM  鳥類19種…

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