三浦 知之 宇都宮 美樹 北嶋 雄太 富岡 宏
vol.60, pp.29-39, 2014 (Released:2014-09-03)

林 芳弘 神田 猛
宮崎大学農学部研究報告 (ISSN:05446066)
vol.60, pp.21-28, 2014-03-22

The density of planktonic copepods in the Shimanto estuary was determined. Copepods belonging to blackish calanoid species such as Sinocalanus tenellus, Pseudodiaptomus inopinus, and Acarita tsuensis were collected at near the bottom in water depth of 0.5 m area during low tide in November 2008 and in May, June, and July 2009. The densities of copepods in the creek (range, 0.52 ± 0.90 individuals/L in November to 75.75 ± 68.97 individuals/L in May) were always higher than those of stations along the main stream near the estuary (less than 0.03 ± 0.03 individuals/L during all collection months, except May). The high densities of copepods in the creek may be attributable to the slow water flow in the creek. Copepod densities during the season with high water temperature were higher than those during the other seasons because of the suitable reproductive environment and optimal water temperatures of the estuary.2008年11月, 2009年1月, 5月, 7月に, 四万十川河口域の本流と測流で, 水深0.5 mの水域に出現する浮遊性カイアシ類を調べたところ, 主に汽水性のカラヌス目である Sinocalanus tenellus, Pseudodiaptomus inopinus, Acartia tsuensis の3種を確認した. 側流におけるカイアシ類の平均密度は0.52±0.90個体/L(平均値±標準偏差, 11月)~75.75±68.97個体/L(5月) だった. 本流では, 5月を除くと11月の0.03±0.03個体/Lが最高だった. 従って, カイアシ類の密度は本流よりも側流の方が高いと言えた. 側流は, 本流より水流が弱いために, カイアシ類が高い密度で出現すると考えられる. また, 夏季には, カイアシ類の繁殖に好適な水温となることから, 特に密度が高くなると考えられる.
林 芳弘 神田 猛
宮崎大学農学部研究報告 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Miyazaki (ISSN:05446066)
vol.60, pp.21-28, 2014-03

2008年11月,2009年1月,5月,7月に,四万十川河口域の本流と測流で,水深0.5mの水域に出現する浮遊性カイアシ類を調べたところ,主に汽水性のカラヌス目であるSinocalanus tenellus,Pseudodiaptomus inopinus,Acartia tsuensisの3種を確認した。側流におけるカイアシ類の平均密度は0.52±0.90個体/L(平均値±標準偏差,11月)~75.75±68.97個体/L(5月)だった。本流では,5月を除くと11月の0.03±0.03個体/Lが最高だった。従って,カイアシ類の密度は本流よりも側流の方が高いと言えた。側流は,本流より水流が弱いために,カイアシ類が高い密度で出現すると考えられる。また,夏季には,カイアシ類の繁殖に好適な水温となることから,特に密度が高くなると考えられる。
下条 広介 羽石 敬史 加治佐 誠 Siswandi Riki 中山 緑 小林 郁雄 藤代 剛 福山 喜一 上村 俊一
宮崎大学農学部研究報告 (ISSN:05446066)
vol.53, no.1, pp.115-120, 2007-03

三浦 知之
vol.57, pp.71-77, 2011 (Released:2012-12-03)

三浦 知之 三浦 要 富岡 宏 佐伯 めぐみ 三橋 利恵
宮崎大学農学部研究報告 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Miyazaki (ISSN:05446066)
vol.58, pp.51-68, 2012-02-24

The faunal composition of benthic mollusks, crustaceans and a brachiopod was investigated in the East and West inlets (32°29'N, 131°41'E) of Kadogawa Bay, on the East central coast of the Kyusyu island, Miyazaki Japan. There are sea-grass bed areas consisting of Zostera marina, Z. japonica and Halophila nipponica in the East and West Iorigawa inlets. The sea-grass bed of the East inlet is wider than that of the West. The former is fringed by a natural rocky shore in its eastern margin, however the latter is guarded by the concrete embankment and situated between a small fishery port and a public park of buried sea bottom. The benthic communities were investigated 26 times from November 2006 to July 2011 and their components were compared and discussed.In total, 206 benthic animal species including 87 gastropods, 30 bivalves and 50 decapod crustaceans were recorded. Among these benthic species, 97 were known only from East inlet and 70 species were known from both inlets. We could recognize the benthic community richness in the Fast inlet and it thought to be resulted by the wider area and rich environments, such as, the rocky shore without artificial concrete constructions.
那須 哲夫 黒木 昭浩 浜名 克己 村上 隆之 斎藤 勇夫
宮崎大学農学部研究報告 (ISSN:05446066)
vol.29, no.2, pp.p259-267, 1982-12

牛(ホルスタイン種,雌, 8カ月齢)の単蹄肢(左右前肢)について解剖学的観察を行った.得られた結果は次のとおりである.### 1. 中手骨の遠位中手管は右肢で完全に閉鎖していた.第四中手骨の外側遠位部に第五中手骨が遺残し,またそれに関節する指骨(基節骨)の遺残を認めた.中手骨の滑車は右肢に1個,左肢に2個存在し,左肢の滑車間切痕は浅くなっていた.### 基節骨,中節骨および末節骨は左右両肢とも第三,四指のものがそれぞれ完全に癒合していた.### 近位種子骨は右肢に2個,左肢に3個存在し,遠位種子骨は左右肢とも各1個が存在した.### 2. 右肢において第三指伸筋,第四指伸筋および総指伸筋の腱は中手・指節関節部で合一し,幅広い腱を形成して中節骨および末節骨の前面に停止していた.左肢では総指伸筋のみは独自の腱を形成して,基節骨の近位端に停止していた.### 浅指屈筋と深指屈筋の腱は中手・指節関節部で分岐することなく,単一のまま走行し,浅指屈筋腱は中節骨後面に,深指屈筋腱は末節骨後面に停止していた.### 3. 正中動脈と橈骨動脈は中手骨の掌側面を下行し,中手骨中間部において深掌動脈弓を形成する.この動脈弓から指骨の外側および内側へ分布する2本の枝が出ており,これらの枝は指骨背側面で互に吻合していた.### 前骨間動脈は細い枝となり中手骨の背面に分布していたが,指骨にまで達していなかった.### 4. 正中神経は中手骨の掌側面を下行し,中手骨近位端1/3のところで分岐し指骨の外側および内側へ分布していた.### 尺骨神経掌側枝は骨間筋の外側を下行し指骨の外側へ分布していた.### 中手骨背側面を下行する外側前腕皮神経は途中で消失しており,それより遠位部では確認できなかった.A pair of forelimbs of 8-month-old Holstein-Freisean cow which had solid hoof was dessected to be description. The details were reported as follows.### 1. The distal perforating canal was absent from the right metacarpus. On the lateral-distal part of the metacarpal bone there were vestiges of the fifth metacarpus and the first phalanx which were jointed earch other. The right metacarpus had one distal trochlea and the left had two trochleas. The intertrochlear notch of the left metacarpus was relatively shallow. All the phalanges of front feet were completely fused. The left foot had three proximal sesamoid bones and a distal sesamoid bone, but the right had only two proximal sesamoid bones and a distal sesamoid bone.### 2. The lateral, medial and common digital extensor tendons of right forelimb fused into a wide aponeurotic plate at the fetlock joint and inserted on the extensor surfaces of the second and the third phalanx. The tendon of the left "common digital extensor did not fuse but inserted into the proximal end of the first phalanx. The superficial and deep digital flexor tendons coursed normally but did not divide into two branches at the level of the fetlock joint, the former inserted on the palmar surface of the second phalanx and the latter inserted on that of third phalax.### 3. The median and the radial arteries descended on the volar side of the metacarpus and anastomosed each other to form the deep palmar arch.### Arising from the deep palmar arch, two branches terminated by entering the lateral and the medial volar surfaces of the digit, where they formed an anastomosing arches.### The small cranial interosseus artery which descended the dorsal surface of the metacarpus did not reach the digital bone.### 4. The median nerve descended on the mediovolar side of the metacarpus. At the proximal third of the metacarpus, this nerve divided into two branches which innervated the medial and the lateral volar sides of the digit.### The palmar branch of the ulnar nerve descended along the lateral side of the interosseus muscle to the laterovolar side of the digit. The lateral cutaneous antebrachial nerve which was a slender branch of the radial nerve disappeared during its course on the volar surface of the metacarpus.
北原 龍士 佃 賢一
宮崎大学農学部研究報告 (ISSN:05446066)
vol.55, pp.51-56, 2009-01

The effect of wood-structure variation on the mechanical behaviour within growth increments in Sugi (Cryplomeria japonica) wood sample was studied by applying a compressive load parallel to the grain. The stress-strain behaviour and the cell wall deformation show that earlywood acts as a plastic body even under the very low stress, while the deformation of the latewood cell walls is elasticalluyrecoverable at close to the compression ultimate stress. When the load is applied to a wood specimen, the stress induced in growth increments is mainly initiated in the latewood cell wall. In addition, an increase in the stress induced for the latewood portion of a growth increment was correlated with increased proportion of the cell wall substance and a decrease in the microfibrillar angle of the cell wall. The difference of stresses in the cell walls between the latewood and earlywood is greater beyond the stress at the proportional limit. It is apparent that the latewood cell wall performs the function of mechanical support against the load applied. Moreover, the rate of tree growth in diameter affects the stress-resisting function between earlywood and latewood in an increment, when the specimen is compressed. The specific compressive stress varies with the location in a growth increment and shows the maximum value at the transition stage from the earlywood to the latewood. The optimum conditions for mechanical properties may exist at this point.この研究では, スギ材を用いて, 繊維方向に圧縮荷重を加えたとき, 年輪内早材部と晩材部の応力-ひずみ挙動を実験的に明らかにするとともに, 年輪内応力分布への年輪構造の影響を検討した. その結果, 木材が荷重を受けたとき, 年輪内の早材部と晩材部との間に著しく異なる挙動を認めた. すなわち, 早材部仮道管壁が低い応力レベルでも塑性的な挙動を示すのに反して, 晩材部仮道管壁では木材ブロックの破壊直前まで弾性的な挙動を示した. つまり, 小さなミクロフィブリル傾角と大きな細胞壁率をもつ晩材部仮道管壁が, 負荷によって, 早材部仮道管壁よりも主体的に荷重を負担することが判明した. その傾向は, 比例限度以上の大きな応力レベルで著しかった. また, 林木の肥大成長速さの相違が, 年輪内の早材部仮道管壁と晩材部仮道管壁の応力負担分布に影響をもたらした. さらに, 年輪内の部位ごとにもとめた比応力度 (比重を1に換算したときの応力度) の分布において, 早材部仮道管壁と晩材部仮道管壁との境界付近に比応力度の最大値が存在した. 要するに, 木材が荷重を受けたとき, この付近の仮道管壁が最も効率よく力学性を発揮できることが示唆された.
芦沢 広三 野坂 大 立山 晉 村上 隆之 大和田 孝二
宮崎大学農学部研究報告 (ISSN:05446066)
vol.27, no.1, pp.p39-46, 1980-10

宮崎県産イタチ36頭の肺を病理学的に検索した結果, うち3例に Filaroides martis と思われるものの集団寄生に基づく特異な結節病巣を検出した. 病巣の数は1頭につきそれぞれ3コ, 2コ, 1コであった. これらの結節型病巣は, いずれも肺内の太めの気管支(幹気管支・葉気管支及びその側枝のいずれか)とそれに平行して走る血管の管壁に密に接して位置する. 割面所見で数匹ないし数十匹の虫体が肺実質中に集団を成して寄生し, 寄生巣の外周は気管支・血管の管壁結合織の一部, 及び結節形成による周囲肺胞領域の圧迫により生じた幅狭い無気肺層で取り囲まれる. また集団寄生巣の内部には結合織が伸びて, 個々の虫体間に薄い隔壁を形成する.### ところで結節すなわち集団寄生巣内で成熟に達した虫体は, やがて寄生巣に接して位置する気管支系の管壁を突破し, 管腔の粘膜面に第1期子虫を放出する(すなわち本虫の発育環のスタートを切る). Stockdale et al. はイタチを用いての実験的観察により, F. martis は終宿主の血管(肺動脈枝)の外膜に沿うて肺内に進み, そこで気管支系との位置的関係を生じ, 最後に雌虫の尾部で気管支の粘膜を突破して子虫(第1期)を粘膜面に放出するのを確認した. 今回, れわれは自然例で気管支壁を突破中の虫体を認めたのは貴重なケースといえよう.### 供試イタチの肺には結節型病巣を形成する F. martis 以外に, 細気管支腔及び肺胞領域に寄生する肺虫も認められた. 細気管支腔に寄生する虫体は F.martis に類似するが, 肺胞領域の虫体はすこぶる小型の線虫で虫種は不明. これら虫種不明のものも含めると, 供試イタチ36頭のうち肺虫の寄生を認めたのは11例で, かなり高い寄生率(30.6%)である. 従来, 本邦では F. martis は北海道産イタチにのみ報告されており, 九州産イタチとしては今回の事例が最初である.Nodular foci due to aggregative parasitism of Filaroides martis was observed in the lungs of 3 out 36 weasels (Mustela sibirica itatsi and M. sibirica coreana) captured in Miyazaki Prefecture. The number of nodular foci was one in the first case (median lobe of the right lung), three in the second case (median and posterior lobes of the right lung and posterior lobe of the left lung), and two in the third case (posterior lobes of right and left lung). The nodes were the size of a rice grain to soybean, and especially posterior lobe of the left lung in the third case, the size of the node relative to that of the pulmonary parenchyma was considerably large. Microscopically, these nodular foci were located closely adjacent to the large bronchi (stem bronchus or lobar bronchi and its branches) and the vascular walls running parallel to the bronchi. Several tens F. martis were parasitic in the nodes in aggregation, and these were surrounded by bronchial and vascular walls (connective tissue) and by a thin atelectatic layer which was formed by the compression of the alveolar area as the result of node formation. The connective tissue extended toward the inner part of the nodular focus, and an extremely thin septum was formed between adjacent parasites.### The F. martis in the node (i. e., in the aggregative parasitic focus) that had attained sexual maturity broke through the bronchial wall that was adjacent to the parsitic focus, and discharged larvae onto the surface of the bronchial mucosa. This finding was confirmed by experimental observation by Stockdale et al., but confirmed for the first time under natural conditions in the present study.### Besides the F. martis that produce nodiformic foci, lungworms parasitic in the lumen of the bronchiole and alveolar area were observed. The worm that was parasitic in the lumen of the bronchiole is similar to F. martis, but was not accurately identified. The parasite in the alveolar area was a very small nematode, but the species is unknown. Parasitism of lungworms including the above unknown species was observed in 11 of the 36 (30.6%) sampled weasels, which is a high rate. In Japan, F. martis was reported to have been detected only in weasels native of Hokkaido, and present study is the first time to report this parasite in weasels native of Kyushu.
三浦 知之 大園 隆仁 村川 知嘉子 矢野 香織 森 和也 高木 正博
宮崎大学農学部研究報告 (ISSN:05446066)
vol.51, no.1, pp.17-33, 2005-03

宮崎港の北に位置する阿波岐原公園には、9.6haの一ツ葉入り江があり、潟湖干潟が形成される。宮崎市内にあり、市民の立ち入りやすい公園内にあることなどから、極めて重要な意味をもった干潟であると考え、2001年から2004年まで、生物相の調査を行った。記録された貝類は、36種(腹足綱16種、掘足綱1種、二枚貝綱19種)であった。フトヘナタリ科巻貝のフトヘナタリCerihidea(Cerihidea)rhizophorarumは南奥部の潮間帯上部で密度が最大で104個体/m(2)を、カワアイC.(Cerihideopsilla)djadjariensisが北部の砂泥地の潮間帯下部で32個体/m(2)を、ヘナタリC.(Cerihideopsilla)cingulaaが南奥部の潮間帯上部で8個体/m(2)を記録した。また、日本本土では絶滅に近い状態にあるムシロガイ科のカニノテムシロPliarcularia bellulaが入り江の南端に普通に見られた。二枚貝類でも絶滅寸前と評価されているムラサキガイSoleellina adamusiiがごく普通に見られる。一ツ葉入り江から出現し記録された十脚甲殻類は、14科34種であり、カニ類だけでも6科26種に達した。飛来した湿地性鳥類は、8目12科39種であった。このような貴重な生物相と都市の中に位置する特徴から、一ツ葉入り江は多様性の保全と環境教育の啓蒙の視点で極めて重要な湿地であると結論された。
村上 隆之 斎藤 勇夫 望月 公子
宮崎大学農学部研究報告 (ISSN:05446066)
vol.33, no.1, pp.p1-8, 1986-10

鳥類19種の冠状動脈を肉眼的に観察した.### 一般に,左・右大動脈洞から起始し,深枝と浅枝に分岐する2本の冠状動脈が認められたが,これらに加え197例中5例に別の細い動脈が大動脈洞から直接起始している所見がえられた.### 右冠状動脈は一般に左冠状動脈と同大か,やや太かったが,フクロウ目では逆に左大動脈の方が太い傾向が認められた.### 右深枝は右浅枝より太いのが一般的であるが,ゴイサギの9例中3例に両者の太さの等しいものが見られた.### キジ目,ツル目, ミズナギドリ目,チドリ目,フラミンゴ,スズメ目では左深枝が左冠状動脈の主幹をなしていたが,ガンカモ目,フクロウ目,ゴイサギ,シュバシコウでは左浅枝の旁円錐室間枝が主幹をなしていた.ワシタカ目とヘラサギでは左深枝と旁円錐室間枝が同大であった.### 鳥類心臓の動脈分布様式を比較検討した結果,観察した19種の鳥類のそれらは8型に分類された.The coronary arteries were macroscopically investigated in 19 species of aves.### There were usually two coronary arteries arising from the left and right aortic sinuses, each dividing into a deep and a superficial branch. However, in five of 197 specimens examined, other small arteries arose directly from the aortic sinus.### In general, the right and left coronary arteries were of equal size or the former was slightly larger than the latter. However, in the hearts of Strigiformes the left artery was larger than the right.### The right deep branch was larger than the right superficial branch, but in 3 of 9 hearts of Nycticorax nycticorax they were equally developed.### In the hearts of Galliformes, Anseriformes, Procellariiformes, Charadriiformes, Phoenicopterus###ruber chilensis and Passeriformes the main trunk of the left coronary artery was formed with the left deep branch, but was formed with the paraconal branch of the left superficial branch in Anseriformes, Strigiformes, Nycticorax nycticorax and Ciconia ciconia. In the Falconiformes and Platalea leucorodia the deep and the paraconal interventricular branches were equally developed.### Eight patterns of arterial distribution were thus recognized in the hearts of 19 species of aves.
芦沢 広三 波部 重久 村上 隆之 野坂 大 立山 晉 森友 靖夫
宮崎大学農学部研究報告 (ISSN:05446066)
vol.27, no.2, pp.p251-259, 1980-12

昭和51~53年度猟期に宮崎県下各地区で捕獲したイタチ36頭を剖検し, 肺の肺吸虫性病変を検索した.### 一般に肺の肺吸虫性病変の検索に当っては, 虫嚢の存否(肺吸虫成虫の寄生の有無)がまず第一の目標になるが, 今回は虫嚢以外に, 幼若虫の肺組織内穿入病変及び肺胸膜の虫卵性病変をも検索の対象とした. その結果, 虫嚢形成を認めたのは3頭(8.3%)に過ぎなかったが, 他の2種病変を加えると肺吸虫陽性は10頭(27.8%)に達した. もっとも, 後二者の病巣は微小かつ軽微なものが多く, 肉眼所見だけで確診を下すのは容易でない. しかし注意深く観察すると, 多少とも疑わしい所見を呈するので,そのような個所をもれなく組織学的に観察してみた. すなわち慎重な肉眼観察と, 手間をいとわぬ組織検索を併せ行うことにより, 肺吸虫症の陽性率はかなり高くなることが判明した.### 従来,宮崎県産イタチの肺吸虫自然感染例の報告はなかったが,今回の検索によりその実態の一部が解明された.Autopsy was performed on 36 weasels caught in various areas In Miyazaki Prefecture in the hunting seasons in 1976, 1977, and 1978. These weasels consisted of 25 belonging to Musteta sibirica itatsi and 11 belonging to M. sibirica coreana. They were examined for pulmonary lesions caused by Paragonimus.### In general, the first step of examination for such lesions is to look for the presence of wormcysts; that is, the evidence of infection with mature Paragonimus flukes. In the present investigation, however, observation was made to detect lesions of the pulmonary tissue caused by penetrating immature flukes and changes of the pulmonary pleura induced by Paragonimus eggs in addition to cyst formation. As a result, cyst formation was found in only three cases (8.3%). Cyst formation, lesions of the pulmonary tissue caused by penetrating immature flukes, and egg-induced pleural and subpleural lesions were noticed in ten cases (27.8%). In these cases the animals were actually suffering from Paragonimus infection at that time or had be invaded by this parasite ever before.### But the lesions of the pulmonary tissue caused by penetrating flukes, and egg-induced pleural lesions were so minute and mostly so mild that, it was difficult to make a decisive diagnosis of Paragonimus infection macroscopically. Careful observation, however, could detect some or other suspected changes. And foci could be recognized exactly when examind histologically. In conclusion, it was clarified that lesions caused by Pragonimus could be detected at a considerably high rate when careful macroscopical observation and labor-consuming histological examination were carried out simultaneously.### By the way, of the three cases of cyst formation, case I had one cyst containing 2 Paragonimus worms and located in the posterior lobe of the left lung. These worms were identified as P. miyazkii. Case 2 had two cysts formed in the anterior and posterior lobes of the right lung, respectively. The walls of these cysts and worms contained in them were calcified so remarkably that it was impossible to identify these worms. Case 3 had 17 cysts which consisted of seven formed in the anterior and posterior lobes of the right lung, respectively, and two and six formed in the anterior and posterior lobes of the left lung, respectively. The surface of the worm body was calcified. Judging from the morphology of the egg, the worms detected were identified as P. ohirai.### It is for the first time that the spontaneous infection of weasels produced in Miyazaki Prefecture with Paragonimus worms was reported.