松下 兼次 マツシタ カネツグ MATSUSHITA Kanetsugu
鹿児島大学工学部研究報告 (ISSN:0451212X)
no.5, pp.45-49, 1965-09

The author performed his experiments, in order to know the special characteristics of centrifugal pumps, with an 1 stage volute pump of 3" diameter, changing the shapes of cross section of suction nozzles and varying the roughness of outer surface of impeller, and he examined the influence of those variables on the efliciency of pumps. The results obtained are as follows:Shapes of cross section of suction nozzles:Those which conformed to the shapes of impeller suction inlets reveald best in efficiency. The outer surface of impeller:As the roughness increased, the pump efficiency was decreased since the increase of disk friction loss was accompanied by the influence of the flow within the space between the impeller and its casing, while the total head was seen somewhat increased.


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こんな論文どうですか? うず巻ポンプの研究-1-(松下 兼次ほか),1965 http://t.co/02trQGBRFu The author performed his experiments, in order t…

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