The present study aimed to provide knowledge on the promotion of interprofessional collaboration including health professionals who implement care for the elderly with a wide variety of needs. A survey was carried out to understand elderly care professionals awareness of their specialties and cooperation with other specialists. Subjects were 49 physical therapists, speech therapists, occupational therapists, dietitians, nurses, and care workers who have been working for approximately four years in long-term care health facilities, hospitals, and care stations in Prefecture A. Survey items included: 1) specialties and disadvantages regarding the professions of the subjects, 2) the necessity of collaborating with other professionals and its reasons, 3) priorities in collaborating with other professionals, and 4) the degree of ease in collaborating with other professionals and its reasons. Data were analyzed by tallying up scores by survey item. Descriptions were classified according to their similarities, and category names reflecting their themes were added. Associations among the categorized data were then examined to identify factors contributing to the promotion of collaboration. The results were as follows: The subjects collaborated with other health professionals while recognizing its necessity, and most of them cooperated with nurses. Health professionals involved in elderly care were aware of their specialties and disadvantages, and attempted to provide care that compensates for those weak points in collaboration with other professionals. It is also necessary to set up meetings and other opportunities for opinion exchange to promote interprofessional collaboration.本研究は、多様なニーズを持つ高齢者ケアを実践している各専門職が多職種の中で自己の職種をどのように捉え、他職種をどのように活用しているのかの実態を調査し、連携促進への示唆を得ることを目的とする。研究対象は、A県内の介護老人保健施設、病院、ケアステーションに勤務する就職後4年目の理学療法士、言語聴覚士、作業療法士、栄養士、看護師、介護福祉士の49人である。調査内容は、①自己の属する職種の専門性・弱点、②他職種との連携の必要性とその理由、③連携する職種の優先順位、④他職種との連携し易さとその理由である。データ分析方法は、調査項目ごとに単純集計した。自由記述については、意味内容の類似性に従い分類し、その内容を反映したカテゴリーネームをつけてデータを分析した。次に分析したデータ間の関連性を解釈し、連携促進への要因があるのか考察した。その結果、「各専門職は連携の必要性を認識して多職種と連携しており、看護師が連携する職種の第1位だった」「各専門職は、自己の職種の専門性・弱点を自覚し、他職種と連携して弱点を補完したケアをしようとしていた」「多職種連携では意見交換ができる時間や場を設定することも必要である」ことが明らかになった。