青柳 昌宏 Masahiro AOYANAGI
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.46, pp.103-111, 1973-03

1. The daytime activities of Adelie penguin adults of the small colony in the early guard stage were observed at Hinode Misaki (Cape Hinode, 68°09'S, 42°43'E) during the austral summer. 2. Notes were made on the following thirteen activities : going out of the colony ; entering into the colony ; loud mutual display ; quiet mutual display ; ecstatic display ; bill-to-axilla display ; copulation ; turning egg over ; preening ; collecting nest stones ; fighting ; feeding ; and protective threatening against skuas. 3. The midday maximum activities were as follows : going out of the colony ; entering into the colony ; collecting nest stones ; loud mutual display ; copulation. The midday minimum activities were as follows : ecstatic display ; bill-to-axilla display. Frequency of activity was reverse between loud mutual display and quiet mutual display. Protective threatening varied with the activity of skua. In the activities of fighting, preening, feeding and turning egg over, no characteristic patterns were observed.


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